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personal aircraft and law enforcement. (leo input requested)


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I think you are getting awfully worked up about a pet project of mine in the concept phase.

I realize there are regulations, but i'm not concerned with them at the moment, I'm more concerned with physics, those are the laws that are most pressing. the FAA and I may have a run-in but I can't imagine it's going to be on my first flight, or on any of my test flights. (I'm pretty much in the middle of BFE here, as likwid, and scott can attest)

The only encounters I MIGHT have are with sheriffs dept, jefferson PD, and OSHP. (assuming they spot my little device and ask me about it)

so I was asking for their procedure. standard and personal.

I appreciate all the input you've given, but if it pisses you off so bad, go to another f*cking thread. :rolleyes:

Maybe you should be more concerned with the physics of gravity and the laws to keep you safe instead of your pet project. Getting off the ground is the easy part. Ill watch for the report on the NTSB crash site of your landing.

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Maybe you should be more concerned with the physics of gravity and the laws to keep you safe instead of your pet project. Getting off the ground is the easy part. Ill watch for the report on the NTSB crash site of your landing.

If getting off the ground is the easy part, why do so few do it?


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Dont even think about building something, until you first learn to fly(legally).....its not like riding a motorcycle or driving a car.

There is alot more involved than you think. I have a Bachelors in Aviation, with a specialization in Aircraft Systems from OSU(Commerical Pilot training).....and I can tell you from all my experience, that its more difficult than it looks...esp if you get into rotary wing, not fixed wing. As far as the regs.....they dont mess around these days and you would probadly be arrested on site and jailed....then face several fines(not a $100 ticket....more like $1000's). More than likely you would have an FAA ramp agent show up....ask a few questions...then police.

As someone mentioned....you need to start reading a FAR/AIM. There is alot of regulations in regards to flying around other objects(trees, cell towers,etc), structures, people or area of congestion and non congestion....and the rules are different for all. If the FAA agent believes you are flying in an unsafe manner around any of the above listed items....you will be arrested and/or fined.

I actually witnessed someone try to do exactly what your wanting to do several years ago while working at a small airport. A guy had spent several years building this experimental aircraft in one of the local t-hangers.....had no flight training....finished the aircraft.....got it up in the air(in the pattern) maybe 3 times......then crashed while trying to land it. The aircraft caught fire once it stopped on the runway. I was the first to arrive to get the guy out of the aircraft....he was okay.....but I have never seen someone so scared in all my life. All he kept saying(as he was crying) to me was he would never fly again. The FAA did a big investigation.....and for the next several years while I worked there, I never saw him again.

I guess my point is....I would be alot less worried about getting caught breaking a reg....than dieing. There is alot more to flying than you may think. Learn how to fly(legally)....then experiment with building something. Thats the only way your gonna be able to build something and live to tell about it.

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Thanks, but...

If I understand my aircraft well enough to design and build it, then I should have no trouble operating it once I do.

Thanks for the input though.

You sir are a Darwin Award waiting to happen with your attitude and thought process. . Ever heard the phrase "You dont know what you dont know" Well you dont have a clue what its like to operate an aircraft during take off and landing.

All we are saying is go take a few flight lessons before attempting to fly. Im not saying get your pilots license but spending a few hundred dollars on a couple of flight lessons and getting a few take offs and landings under your belt could end up saving your life.

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I actually witnessed someone try to do exactly what your wanting to do several years ago while working at a small airport. A guy had spent several years building this experimental aircraft in one of the local t-hangers.....had no flight training....finished the aircraft.....got it up in the air(in the pattern) maybe 3 times......then crashed while trying to land it. The aircraft caught fire once it stopped on the runway. I was the first to arrive to get the guy out of the aircraft....he was okay.....but I have never seen someone so scared in all my life. All he kept saying(as he was crying) to me was he would never fly again. The FAA did a big investigation.....and for the next several years while I worked there, I never saw him again.

Wait... was that the guy at Bolton?

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Even though everyone has put out a lot of good information to Mags, just let him be. He obviously has his mind set, and obviously put together his priorities. If he's not going to do it the legal way then that will be his downfall (no pun intended).

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thank you, but that still doesn't answer my question about how it's enforced. I've seen several oshp, sherrifs, and local pd's, but i've never seen a faa agent. Who is responsible for enforcing these laws?

automotive laws regarding vehicles on the highway are OSHP, Local PD's are responsible for some highway, but mostly non highway within their towns/cities (domestic abuse, robbery, murder, etc etc.), and the sherrifs are responsible for cleaning up everything else (some highway, some domestics outside the cities etc etc.)

who's going to approach me about my aircraft, and what is the protocol?

that's what I want to know.

That's why I was asking for LEO input, "Would you approach someone who had just landed something like this, and what would you say to them?"

"Are you aware of/trained in/fluent in the federal regulations?" and

"how would you handle it?"

I know that a year or two ago we had some knuckleheads in downtown Columbus that were hitting commercial airplanes and helicopters with hand held lasers from a parking garage. We were given the location by the FAA, we located, and then arrested them. They were charged federally. Don't ask me what the charges were, I was off that night.

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Even though everyone has put out a lot of good information to Mags, just let him be. He obviously has his mind set, and obviously put together his priorities. If he's not going to do it the legal way then that will be his downfall (no pun intended).

ed zachary, and I do appreciate all the input. Now what I do with my information is mine to decide...

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Landing is a whole hell more difficult than taking off. I don't have any formal training but I've taken off in a Cessna a few times and flown around. That stuff is relatively easy. Landing on the other hand is a bitch. There are too many variables to think about and without formal training, you are just asking for trouble. Just my $0.02.

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