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I just sh!t brix


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Thats what the other player gets for letting you hang around till the river. How did the betting go? Were you all-in on 2 pair then hit the boat? That reminds me i need to get back into playing again.

Yeah, a good sized bet pre-flop ... another bet on the flop to represent top pair (JJ) ... I got called so then any other bet would be an all in ... tried to represent a set of jacks on turn ... hit the homerun of a set of sixes on the river ... then I shat brix ... :)

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nice suckout ! guess he was slow playing those pocket Kings. hope thats the case and your not that big of a donkey to call two big bets after the flop and turn. i deposited $50 on sunday and have $462 now. going to cashout $350 before i lose it.

NICE!!! I just made by first cash out last night as well !

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The first time i played a real tounament it was much higher paced then playing with friends at the kitchen table. Which had me rattled at first. Once the nerves settled i got in a groove and made it down to the last couple tables.

After moving to the new table i was sat to the right of this lady that seemed like she had no clue. She called every bet, checked when i checked and almost never folded even when she had nothing. One hand wound up with just me and her at the river.

I dont remeber the exact cards or order that they came up but you'll get the picture.

Cards up on table = Q,Q,Q,7,7

My cards = 10,10

I'm thinking she has nothing as usual and hoping for a split pot. So i decide to go all-in hoping she will fold or call and i can beat her out with the 10's.

She called and flipped over jacks and didnt even realize she won till someone else at the table told her. I got up and left calmly but once i got in the car i cussed her and myself all the way home.

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