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3 month old baby thrown 25ft in street!


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What do you expect? We've taken away all respect for life in this country. This is what you get when you can legally murder your child before birth. Reap what you sow, America.

Seriously??? You want to use this thread to voice your opinion on abortion. GTFO!!!

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Welcome to the ghetto. Everyone is scared of each other. I'm glad I wasnt there, He'd have an extra hole in his head.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard "it ain't happenin' to me, so I ain't gettin involved!"

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This is where the legal system fails. No jury no trial just a strait beatin till close to death and let hime heal then do it again. Even his parents should be hit with a bat.

As an impending part of said legal system, I think you'll struggle to find an attorney, prosecutor, police officer, etc. who isn't extremely conflicted about this sort of situation.

part of me wants to see swift, concise vigilante justice (or even slow, painful vigilante justice) - but where does that leave us as a society?

I don't think we're any better off as a mob of baby-killer killers than we are as a society that gives a baby-killer a trial.

it's hard to trust the system, because the system does fail at times ...but it's infinitely better than ignoring the system.

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What do you expect? We've taken away all respect for life in this country. This is what you get when you can legally murder your child before birth. Reap what you sow, America.

like it or not, abortion is legal.

the only valid argument I'd entertain is the inherent inconsistency of the law with regard to the rights of unborn children.

If i shoot a pregnant woman in the stomach, I can be charged with murder - even if she was on her way to the abortion clinic to have the pregnancy terminated.

That INCONSISTENCY bothers me more than abortion legislation in either direction.

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the judge better send this guy to his death ...

even life in prison is too good for an asshole like this

let god judge him , just send him there faster.

to play devil's advocate, I'll ask the question: "what does killing this a-hole accomplish?"

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What do you expect? We've taken away all respect for life in this country. This is what you get when you can legally murder your child before birth. Reap what you sow, America.

I can only accept this post as a poor attempt at humor, because it cannot in any way be taken seriously in this thread.

As for the POS human garbage that bludgeoned his 3 month old child to death on the street, pray you have the opportunity to take your life on the outside before someone takes it for you on the inside. It will happen much faster out here.

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I can't tell you how many times I have heard "it ain't happenin' to me, so I ain't gettin involved!"

If a couple drunks at a bar wanna duke it out (preferably outside) so be it...i aint getting involed.

But this IS the time and place to step in. How did no one step in after he punched the childs mother and great grandmother! Could people that whatched this be guilty of something? Kind of like if you knowingly live in a household where there is child abuse occuring but do nothing about it. I wouldnt want to live the rest of my life knowing i just stood around with my thumb in my ass while this POS was doing what he did.

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It would save the taxpayers a butt load of money instead of providing him with room, board & babysitters for the rest of his life.

It costs more to go through the appeals process to execute someone than it does to keep them in for life. I'd pay my share for this asshole.

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It would save the taxpayers a butt load of money instead of providing him with room, board & babysitters for the rest of his life.

As much as I see your point (and I do), I think in this particular instance the boys on the inside will do what needs to be done to ensure that the taxpayers get a discounted rate on this one.

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