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black friday camping...for morons


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I will do it. Well, sorta... I wake up around 4am for the internet deals that are almost the exact same thing as if I got dressed and waited in line for the same damn goods. This way, I get to order it up and go back to bed. Within a week, I usually get everything and am satisfied. People that wait in line for essentially average products baffles me.

Like the $98 19" TV from Walmart. There are better deals than that low end TV. Sure, you may pay $20 plus more for a better, bigger TV, but you can order it now, get it before Xmas and be done with it and not have to be standing in line with a sweaty fat guy breathing on the back of your neck...

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...I don't like the public much to begin with, let alone be surrounded by shopping maniacs.


Online shopping is the way to do it. Only brick and mortars I visit much any more are Kroger, Half Price Books, and Meijer.

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