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The Origin of "Xmas"


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Just a quick clarification.

Referring to Christmas as "Xmas" is not taking the "Christ" out of the word. The New Testament was originally written in Greek and Christ was written as Χριστός or a variation of. The first two letters of Χριστός X and P, or chi and rho respectively, led to the chi-rho monogram.


This symbol was used by the emperor Constantine in the 4th century. By the 15th century, especially with the invention of the printing press, the Church found this a good way to save costs. By the 16th century this was a common way of referring to or representing Christ. Using "Xmas" is not taking Christ out of it, and it not a way to dilute the Church today. The use of this symbol is rooted in the history of the Church. Xmas should be said as Christmas and not "exmas"


Edited by chevysoldier
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If you concentrate hard enough on the political aspect of the celebration you can actually hear the sound of someone pissing into the wind. :D

Merry Christmas and God bless us one and all. :)

And to my Hebrew Brothers Happy Hanukkah. ;)

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