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glow in the dark dew... Fail?


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has anyone ever tried this? I dont think it works but I could have been doing it wrong... Tried to make it work for the nephew on Xmas eve with no results to report?


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Snopes as a resource is good to refer to. They are not 100% always correct. One example -- if you research "Disney", snopes denies any truth to the rumor that the VHS cover of the Little Mermaid had a phallic symbol hidden in the center. I in fact had this copy but never new it until i had a garage sale two years ago. The lady who bought it from me pointed it out after she paid me my $1 dollar!! Snopes claims this story false. Of course -- not all of the VHS copies of the movie have the graphic -- after Disney discovered it, they pulled the rest from the shelves.

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Yup. Fake. It was an internet prank.
Snopes as a resource is good to refer to. They are not 100% always correct. One example -- if you research "Disney", snopes denies any truth to the rumor that the VHS cover of the Little Mermaid had a phallic symbol hidden in the center. I in fact had this copy but never new it until i had a garage sale two years ago. The lady who bought it from me pointed it out after she paid me my $1 dollar!! Snopes claims this story false. Of course -- not all of the VHS copies of the movie have the graphic -- after Disney discovered it, they pulled the rest from the shelves.

You guys coulda at least had a little fun with this guy. :nono:

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Snopes as a resource is good to refer to. They are not 100% always correct. One example -- if you research "Disney", snopes denies any truth to the rumor that the VHS cover of the Little Mermaid had a phallic symbol hidden in the center. I in fact had this copy but never new it until i had a garage sale two years ago. The lady who bought it from me pointed it out after she paid me my $1 dollar!! Snopes claims this story false. Of course -- not all of the VHS copies of the movie have the graphic -- after Disney discovered it, they pulled the rest from the shelves.

Snopes didn't say it wasn't there. They said that the artist who painted it did so because he was disgruntled at being let go after he finished that project; they talked to the artist who says it was accidental. They acknowledge that it was there (and show a picture of it). They don't say anything about it being pulled from the shelves, though, just that it was altered for the laser disc release.

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