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Happy 2011 to ORDN!


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Well just a few more hours to go and another year will be over. May 2011 bring you all happiness and prosperity! Be safe this year and lets all make it to 2012, so we can see the end of the world of course. ;)

This year I plan on making it through the police academy and getting on with a department. I am also aiming to be debt free this year. Other than the wife's truck, I think I can do it. Those are my two main goals this year. Anyone else have any resolutions or goals for 2011?

Edited by chevysoldier
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What the hell am I doing up at this hour on this day???

I'm up too, but only because I didn't go out last night and fell asleep at 11:00 :o,

slept thru the new year until my neighbor starting blowing off fireworks for a half hour. :mad:

Anyone else have any resolutions or goals for 2011?

Same one I always have, that I never seem to accomplish, gotta lose some weight, at least 20lbs!

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