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Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Shot at Grocery Store Event.


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security of all federal courthouses and judges is the jurisdiction of the marshals service, not the secret service.

however, secret service can provide protection to justices/judges etc upon special request of the president.

judges and representatives do not have 24 hour security from any federal security force, absent a known threat.

Edited by John
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:) according to the SS website:

Today, the Secret Service is authorized by law to protect:

-The president, the vice president, (or other individuals next in order of succession to -the Office of the President), the president-elect and vice president-elect

-The immediate families of the above individuals

-Former presidents and their spouses for their lifetimes, except when the spouse remarries. In 1997, Congressional legislation became effective limiting Secret Service protection to former presidents for a period of not more than 10 years from the date the former president leaves office

-Children of former presidents until age 16

-Visiting heads of foreign states or governments and their spouses traveling with them, other distinguished foreign visitors to the United States, and official representatives of the United States performing special missions abroad

-Major presidential and vice presidential candidates, and their spouses within 120 days of a general presidential election

-Other individuals as designated per Executive Order of the President

National Special Security Events, when designated as such by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security

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security of all federal courthouses and judges is the jurisdiction of the marshals service, not the secret service.

however, secret service can provide protection to justices/judges etc upon special request of the president.

judges and representatives do not have 24 hour security from any federal security force, absent a known threat.

Unless they hire security themselves I'd assume. I knew secret service didn't provide protection but I thought they had someone there, whether it was a hired security or the local police force.

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First things first: Gabrielle Giffords, I hope and pray that you have a speedy recovery.


(WIREUPDATE) — A person who knew gunman Jared Lee Loughner said he met with Congresswoman Giffords at least once in the past. Caitie Parker, a high school friend of the shooter, said Loughner told her about meeting the Congresswomen once in 2007.

“He was a political radical. He met Giffords once before in 2007. He asked her a question and he told me she was ‘stupid and unintelligent.’ Parker wrote on her Twitter account.

“He was a pot head and into rock, like Hendrix, The Doors, Anti-Flag. I haven’t seen him in person since 2007 in a sign language class. As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy. He had a lot of friends until he got alcohol poisoning in 2006 and dropped out of school. Mainly a loner, very philosophical,” she wrote.

According to BNO News, Loughner was placed into custody after shooting at least 18 people, six of whom have died.

Caitie's twitter account just went into overload with incoming requests for info...

The Twitter Life of Caitie Parker

A musician who knew Laughner in high school starts tweeting about it. Witness the speed of news in the Twitter era.

5:09: Saying Jared Laughner was the gunman. Really hoping that's not the same guy I went to HS with, really good friend. Freaking out right now!!!

5:09: Official I went to high school & college, & was in a band w/ the gunman. I can't even fathom this right now.

5:32: He was a political radical & met Giffords once before in '07, asked her a question & he told me she was "stupid & unintelligent"

5:34 he was a pot head & into rock like Hendrix,The Doors, Anti-Flag. I haven't seen him in person since '07 in a sign language class

5:36 As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.

5:40 he had a lot of friends until he got alcohol poisoning in '06, & dropped out of school. Mainly loner very philosophical.

6:09 This is a circus. Good Morning America just called me.

If you search recent news articles, many of Gifford's constituents in her congressional district, were very upset with her when she was one of a small group that voted against Pelosi for minority speaker of the house, on last Wednesday, the 5th of January, 2011. Enough so to easily find various threats posted on line. Most all of those have suddenly vanished. Including the radical liberal "bullseye" target map list of moderate Democrats (which also included Giffords) posted on a very left wing website. It looks just like the Palin map.

I don't like politics. It's a sickness of the weak...

Or a weakness of the sick, take your pick.

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On a sidenote... First thing that ran through my head when I finally heard about this tonight, before finding all the info on here, was "Oh crap... Arizona congressperson... I wonder if this is cartel related??"

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The 9 year old girl murdered, was born on 9/11.

edit: Christina Taylor Greene

Tucson CBS affiliate KOLD notes that Green was featured in the book, "Faces Of Hope: Babies Born On 9/11."
https://twitter.com/kold_news13/status/23936138053943298 Edited by ReconRat
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A horrible day. What surprises me is that the murderer had such far left political leanings listing Mein Kempf and The Communist Manifesto as favorite works of literature. The extreme on both sides of the political spectrum are filled with unstable wack-jobs.

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Giffords rides a BMW. She is also a gun and truck owner and chairs the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus. Giffords sponsored the resolution with Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, that recognized Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. She's one of our own.

Arizona's Motorcycle Mommas

"I am proud that, as a motorcyclist for over 20 years, I am leaving a smaller footprint on our earth by just riding my bike,” Giffords said after the resolution passed last week. “But, I do have concerns about road safety and that drivers sharing the road with me aren’t looking out for my well-being.” - Gabrielle Giffords



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Giffords rides a BMW. She is also a gun and truck owner and chairs the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus. Giffords sponsored the resolution with Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, that recognized Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. She's one of our own.

You just beat me to this. I was just gonna post about her riding.

From the New York Times:

". . . Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is a motorcycle enthusiast. She sides with motorcycle riders who favor state legislation to ride helmet-free, as she does . . .
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From an article on AOL headlines:

Article indicates a Glock 19 with extended mags used in shooting,

Arizona Suspect's Erratic Behavior Raises Questions About Gun SalesJan 9, 2011 – 3:35 PM

Lisa Holewa


Jared Loughner's behavior was so disturbing, he was forced to withdraw from community college classes last fall, told he could return only with a mental health evaluation showing he "does not present a danger to himself or others."

He tried to enlist in the Army in 2008 but was rejected as unqualified. And those who knew him described him to reporters as a "troubled young man" who frequently had such unusual outbursts that no one even wanted to sit next to him in class.

But, according to The Washington Post, on Nov. 30, Loughner legally purchased the Glock 19 semiautomatic pistol that law enforcement officials say he used to shoot U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords at an event Saturday outside a busy supermarket in Tucson, Ariz., killing one of her aides, a federal judge, a 9-year-old girl and three retirees.

And that has revived the debate about gun ownership laws throughout the nation, but particularly in Arizona, which has some of the weakest gun control laws in the country. State laws there permit any law-abiding citizen over age 18 to buy a gun.

"At some point we need to ask the question: How did this man with this history of mental instability end up with this weapon," Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said on CNN's "State of the Union" today.

"How did he go through the process and end up with this gun and this ammunition?"

Federal law enforcement officials told the Post that the semiautomatic pistol was fitted with a magazine that held about 30 bullets, and that Loughner had another magazine that held about 30 bullets, as well as two others that each held about 15 bullets.

Reese Widmier, manager of the Sportsman's Warehouse in Tucson, confirmed to the Post that the gun was sold by the store Nov. 30.

Loughner did pass the federally required background check, Widmier told the newspaper.

Dr. Park Dietz, a forensics psychiatrist, told AOL News today that gun control laws make it difficult to determine whether someone is mentally stable enough to purchase a gun.

"He's old enough to buy it on his own because there was no way to determine this was a mentally ill person," Dietz said. "The only thing the existing law does about that is quite absurd. The ATF form asks if you have ever been adjudicated mentally ill," he said in reference to the federal Bureau of Acohol Tobacco and Firearms.

Dietz noted that he once had law students visit 25 people on a ward for the criminally insane who had been adjudicated dangerously mentally ill, asking them whether they had been adjudicated dangerously mentally ill.

"They all said no, while sitting on the ward," Dietz told AOL News.

"In some states the instant background check does include a search of computer records of who has been committed as dangerously mentally ill but it is quite inconsistent around the country whether they do it or how complete the information is."

Arizona does not have a waiting period unless something is flagged during the instant check.

However, the debate in Arizona is far from simple. Giffords herself is a long-time gun owner who has described herself as a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. And despite the lack of restrictions on gun purchases and ownership in Arizona, not everyone agrees that the laws should be toughened.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said on "Fox News Sunday" today that the shootings are "unrelated" to Arizona's gun laws: "The weapons don't kill people, it's the individual that kills people."

On NBC's "Meet the Press," Rep. Raul Labrador also said changes in gun laws are not the answer, but the answer lies with each individual who owns a gun.

"I don't know if it's the gun laws that make a difference," the Idaho Repubican said.

However, Arizona's Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva, on the same program, said: "Gun laws have to be examined."

Sponsored LinksAnd New York Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, whose husband was killed and son wounded in 1993 when a deranged gunman opened fire on a Long Isand Rail Road train, said the shootings show exactly why laws should be tightened.

"This is clearly an illustration of why we must all work together to fight gun violence in America and keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of the wrong people," she said in a statement.

Giffords' Republican challenger to office during the last election, Jesse Kelly, who was pictured on his campaign website in military gear, holding his automatic weapon, did not blame gun laws or political rhetoric for the rampage.

"Arizona is a state where people are firearms owners," he told The Associated Press after Saturday's shooting. "This was just a deranged individual."

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I don't see how you can cleanly separate the two since it appears to be a politically motivated event, but whatev. This thread gets news links not pertaining the the political debate this event generated then?

No political debate in this thread. It really isn't that hard. :nono:

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