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2011 ZX10 goes 201mph on GPS


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Bangs the limiter at 201 with a few mods. It's 9/10ths racing they do illegally down in Florida. I don't know where it is, but I've chatted with some of the guys before since 2004 that do it, so the location must really be kept a secret because there is never an incident so far to attract lawful attention to them yet all these years. Anyway, here's the video.


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201mph in Jeans and tennis shoes.. Those guys are pretty smart..

I agree, but who cares, I don't. They'll die at that speed anyway. I personally don't know the guy to bust his ass for his gear. Just one of his great freedoms to choose what he wants to wear.

The main point is the 201. ;):D

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Bee - Impact alone and those trees would kill you at that speed more likely. Once you get a certain speed you have to dedicate yourself to that risk; which is part of the rush though. I don't do it, but it sure is cool to see others do it. :lol: I got over the top speed stuff after about 2 years of riding; too risky. I just like acceleration now.

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I don't get it either IP, but I enjoy knowing others do it for my entertainment though. I think it's crazy as hell. :lol: There's a big world of top speed racing out there though. I will admit, I'd like to do it for 1 day legally down at the Texas mile though to see what I can do. :cool:

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