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worst burglar ever


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  • 1 year later...

worst ever? What about the girl who stole $6,000 from a bank, and then bragged about it on youtube?


(she posted the video wearing the same clothing she had on when she robbed the bank... police recovered all but $30. I didn't read anything about them recovering the car she also stole, but given that she had stolen it by taking someone's keys, I wouldn't anticipate any damage; just a bit less gas.)

Edited by redkow97
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Guns are bad. They are only useful for killing people and certainly not for isolating a criminal until the police can arrive to make a legal arrest. Only a scumbag would teach his son how to safely handle a shotgun.

Perfect parenting.

Let the minor commit any "crimes". Worst case (which is if something goes horribly awry on the above case and he's charged w/ murder), he's out of Juvi by early adulthood.

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