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FFL License


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For those of you that have them,

What is the initial cost for getting one?

How often is the renewal, and how much does it cost?

Do you have to have a store front?

Feel free to PM me if you don't want everyone to see.


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No, you do not need a store front. That all depends on local zoning ordinances allowing a business from a residence. However, you must be engaged in the activity for profit. Lots of guys think they'll get one to augment their collections. Renewal is every 3 years. Can't remember the cost. SOT is renewed every year at $500 or $1000 for an SOT2 (only applies if you have an 07 or 10 fll).

That said, if you have to ask, it may not be for you.

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The process is not hard but as said, you must be actively engaged in the firearms business or they will nail you.

You do have to make sure your business location is zoned for it, and that you have dealers insurance.

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Oh I have every intent to be very active in the business me and a buddy are thinking about opening a gun shop

I have another friend that has a empty store I could rent

It sounds like I will have to talk to the zoning board first and go from there

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