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Saltwater powered car...!


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Lets see if he disappears soon or a Car copmany or oil company buys it. They didn't say though how much energy it takes to make the radio waves. Screw cars maybe it could replace Nuclear power.

Nevermind this is old and here is the answer.

That's all wonderful, and it seems like it's producing energy, except that the radio frequency generator he's using consumes several times more energy than the flame on the other end produces. Why no one has yet put a kill a wattir?t=eco-20&l=ur2&o=1 on the other end of the RF generator, I'm not sure. None of the linked stories are really outright saying that this is an energy-positive process, but they aren't saying otherwise either, which is kinda frustrating.

Is this paranoia?


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First Vid: Pretty cool burning saltwater. Would be need to see that refined enough to make it cost effective.

Second Vid: That's scary but I totally think or government is totally capable of and has silenced those who challenge their control in an indirect way.

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