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I understand that documents created in Microsoft can be opened with Open Office but how about the other way around?

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I've run into formatting issues when I switch between the two, most of the time it's minor things, but occasionally I've had some major issues with photo layouts, updated graphics, saving files, etc.

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Use it on Linux and Windows 7. Started with Star Office (forerunner of OOo) in 2000.

OOo opens Office documents; Office 2010 opens OOo documents.

There <may> be incompatibilities/formatting issues in really complex sheets/docs, but for the home user you'll have no problems. If you have a complex enough sheet, you're probably at work, and you probably have to use Office anyway.

Free, as in beer.

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openoffice lets you save your files as .doc and .xls (and many others, depending on what you're doing) format, so it should work unless you start getting into fancy stuff within the document... then it might not all show up. if you're doing all that, just cough up the cash for the "real" thing.

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