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Recommended reading/viewing


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I have noticed a lot through different threads that a lot of people recommend books or videos to watch. Its hard to keep track of all the titles and links so I figured it may be helpful for noobs like me and mabe others if this thread had a collection of recommended reading.

Mabe post the title and author/link and a brief description about your favorite books/videos that you found helpful/informative/favorite on riding.

Also say whether its for noobs like me, general riders or advanced riders.

I plan to stop at the book store this weekend and get my learn on.

Thanks in advance

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Twist of the Wrist I and II are in video also. Worth watching.

edit: both of the books are in the Columbus Library. 4 copies each. But all are checked out. Must reserve it.

Edited by ReconRat
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I am reading Sport Riding Techniques by Nick Ienatch right now. I figured I better since I am going out to his riding school in Utah next month. Totally forgot my bike had ABS until I was out practicing some braking techniques yesterday. Pretty good stuff.

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As a newb that was reading all winter getting ready for riding season:

+1 Sport riding techniques- Good modern perspective for sport bikes and focus on riding mechanics of body position and interaction with bike and road as opposed to survival strategies. I think it should be read as a primer for Twist of the wrist 1 and 2 which are a little more technical but also excellant.

Proficient motorcycling and More Proficient motorcycling by Hough for riding survival strategies and real world riding situations described well.

Ride Hard Street Strategies- Good for understanding rsiks of riding and how to minimize them. Studies the Hurt report and what it really means. I liked it but there was also about 6 inches of snow on the ground and I was pretty much reading anything I could find at that point! Little dry and heavy handed on scare tactics, but only $5 at half price books so worth it.

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Speaking of good deals on riding books...Borders on Kenny rd is closing and today was their last day,everything was 90% off.I got Twist of the Wrist 1 for $1.99.That and a vintage motorcycle price guide were the only books left on a 5x8 foot book shelf.I bought them both for $3.82.

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OK, this is obviously a self-serving and totally biased suggestion, but since you gave me such a great opening, I can't resist.



It's not an instructional book, though I do like to think there's a little wisdom in it. More than that, it might give you some great ideas of places to go and things to do on your motorcycle. And I think it's a fair bargain for your entertainment dollar, though again, I'm totally biased.

BTW, anyone who HAS read my book and is a Facebook user and would like to help me out with a "recommend" or "like," I now have a page for the book. Just go the www.facebook.com/ridesofar. Clicks appreciated.

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