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Just found the single greatest thread in the history of the Internet.


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Oh great! A whole new field of law concerning the rights of zombie partners in a "relationship" with the living. After the separation would your zombie partner have a right to half of your brains? I'm betting the courts will go with yes on this one (just for the simple fact you would choose to have a relationship with a zombie). A sort of mental cruelty and undue hardship to your ex-partner for denying her what she was put on this earthly existence for- to eat your brains.
Remember, dead girls never say no!

Necrophilia: Crack open a cold one.

But if she's holding your beer, will it stay cold? Thats something else to consider.

Imagine if you could get her to make a sammich. You know, without your brains.

...It's no necrophilia. They are UNDEAD, not dead...

...Would that be nearlycrophilia?...

I see absolutely nothing that could possibly go wrong at all with boning a zombie.

You are safe. Zombies like brains. You sir, have none.

(cant believe I even had to type gay necrophiliac....makes ya feel dirty just typing it)

Once you go Zombie, you won't go back.

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