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Man Shows His Extremely Tiny Penis To Police - Police Use Taser


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With any luck you will see this in court.

those cops need re-trained. That should have never taken that long to cuff him.

the knee drop to the ribs at about 2:10 was out of line.

Yeah, if he was smart, I'd counter law suit that. I didn't notice that. He could've broke ribs and more dropping his fat ass on him like that. The penis-less man deserved what he got, but not the rib/knee drop.

Without going into a big discussion about use of force, their actions were perfectly legal. An officer has the right to use reasonable force to make a legal arrest (which this clearly was). The knee strike is a trained technique and used regularly. It would be reasonable if they would have broken his arm while pulling it behind his back making the arrest. You DO NOT have the right to resist your legal arrest or that of another person. If your arm snaps while being placed behind your back because you are resisting that much, that is on you (already proven in court)!

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The only problem I have with this arrest is that it took them too long. Get in there and get it done. Gave the crowd too much time to get worked up.

Knee strike? No problem. It's a non-lethal pain compliance technique.

Don't resist arrest. Even if you don't agree with or don't understand the arrest, comply and sort it out later. You may win in court, but you will always lose in the street.

If the guy wasn't so drugged out he'd have noticed the officers putting on the nitrile gloves. = Party Time in T-minus 10, 9, 8...

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Yeah, if he was smart, I'd counter law suit that. I didn't notice that. He could've broke ribs and more dropping his fat ass on him like that. The penis-less man deserved what he got, but not the rib/knee drop.

The officer was not meting out punishment (officially... unofficially you can make your own mind up), he was gaining control of the subject to effect a lawful arrest.

Either he gets thrown to the ground, or they sort it out with a stand-up fist fight. The fistfight will do more damage.

Getting arrested is not an exercise in sportmanship. Resisting hurts. Of the "brutality" cases out there, the overwhelming majority started with resistance. There *are* examples of horrific police brutality out there (Google John McKenna University Maryland Beating), but this is not one of them.

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The only problem I have with this arrest is that it took them too long. Get in there and get it done. Gave the crowd too much time to get worked up.

Knee strike? No problem. It's a non-lethal pain compliance technique.

Don't resist arrest. Even if you don't agree with or don't understand the arrest, comply and sort it out later. You may win in court, but you will always lose in the street.

If the guy wasn't so drugged out he'd have noticed the officers putting on the nitrile gloves. = Party Time in T-minus 10, 9, 8...

You are probably correct on the time factor. As an arm chair quarterback, he was given way to long before they decided to go hands on. I have a personal rule, ask once, tell once, then it's game on. As soon as they saw the "little hippie" it should have been down to business. Don't give him opportunity after opportunity to defy you and get everyone into the action (like the woman shaking his hand) she's not part of it, keep her away.

Either way, watching the taser in action is freaking hysterical! That is, as long as it is not me on the receiving end of the probes! I watched mine on video and I looked like a retarded piranha (still hysterical, only not so funny).

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