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Apple sues Samsung over "copying" iphone/ipad


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What Samsung item did Apple steal first?

This suit is the fruition of (IMO) what a lot of major companies worry about (including the one I currently work for), which is the idea of "if we source enough of our design in one place, they're gonna figure out exactly how to build what we designed."

Apple bought over 5 billion in Samsung products for the 3G/3GS, and it's now saying Samsung decided to taste the fruit it was supplying.

(pun intended)

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Wow, as much as I love my apple products if they keep this up they are gonna alienate all their suppliers and end up not having a product themselves. They need to be more confident in their product because most people buy the apple product over any others anyway, eliminating your competition is not going to help when you already have most of the market share to begin with unless you want a monopoly which is ridiculous.

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yeah, sort of like buying a truck load of Ford car parts, building a car, and then suing Ford for building a car and stealing your ideas...

Samsung is one of iphone/ipad major suppliers.

Apple just lost their lawsuit against HTC and Nokia. Still one against Motorola.

HTC and Nokia had looked for royalties from Apple for stolen ideas and ... got sued.

There is still a lawsuit regarding those royalties. I don't see that one going well for Apple.

Not a good outlook for winning against Samsung either.

And in other news... iphone and ipad track your every movement and store it in a file.

Apparently some part of the itunes EULA allows this...

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I skipped the pads and got a Lenovo netbook. Kicks ass.

Samsung now suing Apple for patent infringement related to signal processing technology stolen.

What this is really all about is that Samsung was releasing new product prior to the introduction of new Apple product. It's an attempt to stall the release. Sometimes works, and sometimes not.

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I don't think Apple has anything to worry about, the UI on their products blows away the competetion. I wouldn't trade my iPad for a Galaxy Tab or Xoom or anything else.

The UI on the iPad is horrible. I've used both (iOS 4 and Honeycomb) considerably at this point. There's nothing great about a screen full of icons.

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