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Uhhhh, go back further. Freddie and Fannie got a huge boost from the Clinton administration because they thought everyone should be able to buy a house. Offering lending to people who had no business getting a loan, loans that began to balloon a few years after they were took out, ballooning so high the lender could not afford the payments.

I'm not defending Shrub, but right is right.

Like Nafta....everyone blames ol Clinton for that. Wrong. When he took office, the bill was a done deal, sitting on his desk waiting to be signed. He had no choice. And it was even Bush Sr's doing but more like Reagan who actually got the ball rolling.

Your point is completely valid, however the method in which the bailout was put together and executed was all W, all the time. Obama changed the rules to something that's wasn't so mind-bogglingly stupid, but point still remains.

Edited by Cheech
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Don't count Obama out, he still has an enourmous minority and dirty hippie voter pool that would vote for him even if he implodes the country.

Be prepared to make your vote count. Too many worthless repubs. trying to get in the race will water down the product.

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