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Quite possibly the best furry family portrait I've snapped yet!


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Snapped this a few weeks ago of my furry kiddos.... the flash made for some green glowing eyes, so a buddy touched it up a little bit in photoshop to clean it up some and get rid of the glowing eyes. I love how this pic turned out though... so much I printed it out and framed it, and hung it on the wall in my living room

The beauty of this pic... I had absolutely NOTHING to do with the pose whatsoever.... they did that 100% entirely on their own (including the paw on the shoulder), I was just sitting there and had my camera handy, and just happened to snap the pic just at the right time



I don't think I posted the story here, but here's a little background info on the puppies and their relationship with Piggy. I've been keeping this thread updated with pics from January up until recent, so scroll through all pages of the thread for picture updates


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was one of the smaller two sleeping in the back window of your accord(?) on the way to your trackday?

I didn't know they had such a back story!

my wife and I are on foster dog #10 (asleep in the corner as I type this) after failing at fostering our first dog (we adopted him instead :D)

Having met so many great dogs over the last couple of years, it makes me wonder how people can just turn them loose... Great picture.

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was one of the smaller two sleeping in the back window of your accord(?) on the way to your trackday?

I didn't know they had such a back story!

my wife and I are on foster dog #10 (asleep in the corner as I type this) after failing at fostering our first dog (we adopted him instead :D)

Having met so many great dogs over the last couple of years, it makes me wonder how people can just turn them loose... Great picture.

Yup that's the ones.... both of them were up in the window for a little bit, but it's usually Riley (tan one) that usually ends up jumping up there first and staying for a little bit. He's not gonna be able to fit up there much longer, hahah

I too don't understand how people can do the things they do to dogs and other animals... just boggles my mind

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That's a great pic! I just read thru the back story as well - much respect for rescuing them and giving them a great future!!

We have 2 dogs (greyhounds) and 3 cats, all of which are rescued. It disgusts me the way people abuse and dispose of animals (and kids and the elderly, for that matter)

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What a great story,that made my day!

After reading the history behind the picture,it just made the photo that much more piognant.Piggy's paw on Rily's shoulder gives the photo that proud parent feel.

You've got a good eye,and that's an excellent photo!

Btw,there's a bible verse that states that you should help strangers because you might be helping an angel unbeknown.To me,you're whole story brings that verse to life,and it looks like you got three angels there.Enjoy!

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What a great story,that made my day!

After reading the history behind the picture,it just made the photo that much more piognant.Piggy's paw on Rily's shoulder gives the photo that proud parent feel.

You've got a good eye,and that's an excellent photo!

Btw,there's a bible verse that states that you should help strangers because you might be helping an angel unbeknown.To me,you're whole story brings that verse to life,and it looks like you got three angels there.Enjoy!

Thanks!! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D And I think you're right.... it definitely seems to be the way it worked out here. Kinda funny how everything just seems to fall right into place sometimes ;)

And thank you for the donation as well.... very much appreciated and always a great help :bow:

Here's a few more pics from today of everybody....

A nice array of activities going on here... :dunno:







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  • 1 month later...

Just a little update to the whole puppy story for those that might be interested....

Everybody is doing great still! And still growing too..... they're up to 45 lbs each as of this morning. It's getting hot outside so I got them a little pool to splash around in until I can find a place to take them swimming (been looking). I really didn't want the blow up one but it was all they had, so I'll use it until they pop it, hahah


A couple videos



And much like Piggy, they love riding in the car (thank god, lol)



But anyways, I've had a few ideas that have been floating around my brain the last couple weeks that I've been tossing around. Watching these two grow up and seeing their personalities and whatnot, I'm seeing ALOT of talent. They're both incredibly smart, attentive, well mannered dogs, so I really wanted to do something with them. I feel like I'd be wasting alot of good talent if I didn't. So here's my idea that I've been tossing around in my head the last couple of weeks.... I'm giving some serious thought into trying to get them trained and certified as therapy dogs. From the way I see them behave it just seems like something that they would be great at. I know they have to pass a pretty strict test to pass, but I think I'm gonna give it a shot and see what happens (once they're old enough, of course.... gotta be 1 yr). That's something I'd love to do too

So yea... that's my plan as of now. I've trained them to the best of my abilities (which isn't great, lol), but we've got a trainer here in town that's supposed to be pretty good, so I'm gonna talk with him about this and see what happens from there. I've got 5 months to prepare them and with as quickly as they catch onto stuff, I don't foresee any problems there

I really want to do something with Piggy too, I hate feeling like I'm leaving her out cuz she's such an awesome dog too, but I just don't know what just yet

We'll see what happens!

Oh and on a side note.... I had all 3 at the groomers (which is a friend of mine) getting their hair trimmed on saturday, and she said Riley and Piper were right at the top of her list of some of the best behaved dogs that she's had in her shop... and that's compared to adult dogs and everything, and they're still 7 month old puppies. Makes me quite proud!

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Man,they look hugh compared to the scrawny little pups that you first rescued.It looks like you've done a great job with them.Good luck getting them trained as therapy dogs,sounds like a great idea.Wouldn't it be great to have them help someone and then show the person their story?

Some more great pics,the last one looks like "synchronized" sleeping.:D

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