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F'in snakes.... blah!


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Kill'em all!

Working on the F150 in the barn last night and was ready to get under it to do some work on the tranny. Opened the hood to drop the trouble light down that way and to give me a little more light. Turn around to grab some wrenches and was like I dont remember hanfing a extension chord there? :nono:


Big Black hanging there. I hate em all! Big little fat long short... BLAH!

CBee remington HP. Up close and personal Biznatch! You feel that! This is where its at, Point blank, F that long range shit... All you had to do is stay out of the barn and garage... NOOO! God forbid.

POP! Snake brains everywhere.

So now my garage is overly cramped because I refuse to deal with that shit again!

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If there are snakes in your barn that probably means you have mice in there too. Might be time to get some cats. They'll get rid of the snakes too and then bring the proof to you. :lol:

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Uh huh!

Big black snake. Not the biggest one, I know that. This one was about 5 1/2 feet. We found a shed out there last year that was longer than 6 feet and did not have the head part of the shed on it. Blah!

I felt like Costello from abbot and costello... ssssn snsns sns sssnnnaaaakkkkeee...

Yes, the adrenaline shot through the roof.

I was helping at the archery range and was running the tractor last year. Been stored in his garage at his house. I jumped on and did about 15 minutes of dirt moving and could feel the heat rolling off of the motor and exhaust. Turn to do something and felt something on my leg. Looked and a Black snake crawled out from under the hood onto my leg came straight up my torso and across my shoulder and down the back PTO drive. I pounded his dumb A into the ground with the bucket about 15 times... Everyone was like what the hell is wrong with him. Then they all saw the tail flip over from under the bucket.... Again BLAH!!!

Cant stand them. I think it stems from going to Arizona in the Eagle scouts and having to catch a rattle snake. I was freaked the whole time.

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I like snakes. Poor little black snake. No more mice for him.

Then again, I've been bit pretty bad by black snakes.

so, are you the guy that does the dos equis commercials?

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so, are you the guy that does the dos equis commercials?

Funny that, Dos Equis is the name of a very poisonous Ecuadorian pit viper.

I've grabbed sleepy copperheads before, but I won't be messing with this one:



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Funny that, Dos Equis is the name of a very poisonous Ecuadorian pit viper.

I've grabbed sleepy copperheads before, but I won't be messing with this one:



That is scary! I dont care for Snakes at the same time I feel sorry for them.

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^ when was the last time you seen a rattle snake or cottonmouth in ohio?

We have timber rattlers here as well as copperheads unsure on cotton mouth

What kind of snakes were they?

Don't know, they didn't keep the snakes with them. Both seemed to be non venomous though.

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Most dangerous snake ive encountered was a water moccasin down in portsmouth. i was prolly like 10 or so and was minnow fishin with a bucket, boy did i drop that bucket and ran and screamed like a little girl a snake a snake.


Edited by wht_scorpion
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