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Anyone in the Army?


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I spoke to the recruiter yesterday. He thinks I'm some dumb/stupid 18 y/o that hasn't got a clue. His lies are SO ridiculous, it's almost laughable. Guy told me yesterday that he was out for 2 days and when he got back, they have to wipe the computer. He said that if you are out for more than a day, they wipe your computer and they have to rebuild everything. There was no one there, profile had the same background, and he wasn't doing shit... But he couldn't help me. He said to come back later in the week.

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I spoke to the recruiter yesterday. He thinks I'm some dumb/stupid 18 y/o that hasn't got a clue. His lies are SO ridiculous, it's almost laughable. Guy told me yesterday that he was out for 2 days and when he got back, they have to wipe the computer. He said that if you are out for more than a day, they wipe your computer and they have to rebuild everything. There was no one there, profile had the same background, and he wasn't doing shit... But he couldn't help me. He said to come back later in the week.

Find another recruiter. Seriously.

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go talk to TSgt Callahan over on Sawmill rd. he's a USAF Reserve recruiter, but they have ARMY, AF, Marines, Navy all there in the same building. Callahan is a good guy who is ex active army.

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The problem is that none of these guys want to be there. (They told me) The guy that's helping me told me that he cannot stand doing paperwork. Most of these guys are making the Army look bad with how dumb they are portraying.

I've talked to 4 different recruiters and got 4 different stories. When I was in there on Tuesday, the guy tried to make it sound like I was stupid. I had to sit up, make my voice stern, talk a little louder, and explain the simplicity of the situation, so he would understand.

I don't understand why anyone should have to go through that. I can see back in Vietnam, why the recruiters would lie to you. I could even see when numbers are REALLY low, why they would lie. But now? It's pissing me off!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Keep in mind they really don't need any more recruits. With the economy, many people went to the military, mainly the army. So the recruiters aren't being pushed to get numbers. The other thing is most of them didn't volunteer for that duty. Being a recruiter sucks.

I don't know your situation, but unless you have that position in writing, it is not waiting for you by any means.

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My girlfriend was trying to navy a while ago, and her recruiter told her that with the economy being crap right now, they have more applicants then ever and it's really hard for an 'average' person to get in.

I did 5 years in the Marines, 2 tours of Iraq and a year in japan,feel free to pm me as well and I'll answer as best I can. My biggest advice.. Whatever you do is to get a trade that you can use after to get a job

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My girlfriend was trying to navy a while ago, and her recruiter told her that with the economy being crap right now, they have more applicants then ever and it's really hard for an 'average' person to get in.

I did 5 years in the Marines, 2 tours of Iraq and a year in japan,feel free to pm me as well and I'll answer as best I can. My biggest advice.. Whatever you do is to get a trade that you can use after to get a job

This is good advice. I knew some people, snipers, mortars, infantry, etc....that were getting out. They were really worried about finding jobs because the civilian side just doesn't have a huge need for those types of jobs, unless you go to work for companies like KBR, Blackwater etc.

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This is good advice. I knew some people, snipers, mortars, infantry, etc....that were getting out. They were really worried about finding jobs because the civilian side just doesn't have a huge need for those types of jobs, unless you go to work for companies like KBR, Blackwater etc.

Thanks chevy, when I joined, I was wanting to work on airplanes, already had my A&P, got put on ground side electronics, I was kinda bummed at first, until my grandpa said 'why? It's another job field that you can fall back on'. Never forgot that, and I'm working electronics now too..

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Well, he found a document that said that they are letting people in for Supply, if you are an E5. So pretty much all he has to do is the paperwork. This is also the guy that said that OSI equivalent (Air Force Office of Special Investigations) test was EXTREAMLY hard. I asked him what was hard and he said there is paperwork. "You always have to do paperwork and know how to type reports. I wouldn't be able to do it." That's when I knew that this guy was worthless. If he is in a job, where he has to do a BUNCH of paperwork... ahhh forget it.

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I think one possible reason for the credit check for clearance has to do with access to information and what you see on site. If you have less then ideal credit, you might be tempted to start sharing/selling secrets, supplier info and anything else about said location of employment? I have a friend that works for a power plant of the nuclear type and that was one of the reasons why they check credit. They do contact references.

Precisely...and yeah they do contact references. And in my case actually followed me around everywhere I went for 6 mos.

I still always wear a belt. My clocks are in 24hour format(the ones I can anyways). Any letters are said in the phonetic alphabet. I make my kid do push ups and sit ups as corrective actions. Its difficult for me to wear a hat indoors and I will never wear one while eating...there are other things too...

The 12 (errrr 13) steps were too funny...and too true...lol

I am the same way too and I retired in 2001 after 25 years.

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  • 1 month later...
where is the original poster??? he/she's got questions, and clearly 4-pages worth of folks willing to give answers!

See comment that I made prior... (below)

I went on Annual Tour to a Joint Task Force and now I don't want to join the Army.
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Joined at the Army National Guard at the age of 33 in June 2010. 11 Bang Bang Infantry. Oddly enough I loved Basic. I enlisted knowing my unit was going to deploy. Deployment mobilization starts in about 20 days and then I will be in Afghanistan a couple of months later.

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Damn... Trash talking... out the box!

I have questions about jobs, lifestyle, making rank, etc.

I was also active for 4 1/2 years and have almost a year in the guard now. What questions do you have? Ask away. Don't waste your time with the guard. Complete waste of your time

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I was also active for 4 1/2 years and have almost a year in the guard now. What questions do you have? Ask away. Don't waste your time with the guard. Complete waste of your time

It may be a waste, but the education benefits are worth it if you can deal with the BS.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It may be a waste, but the education benefits are worth it if you can deal with the BS.

It may not be this way for others, but with my AD time, I already have school paid for...so one weekend a month I get depressed that it's drill weekend and have to go grab a clip board and any 8 1/2x11 papers I can to carry around while I walk around for hours on end to make it look like I'm on an important task. It really sucks in the guard when you're in my position because I only had to serve 21 months (starting last October) and I have a 24 month non deployable status because of the deal they gave me coming off of active duty reducing my IRR time (Inactive ready reserve). So I go in on drill weekends, KNOWING I won't be deployed when I have been Infantry for 5 years and I really do want to make the soldiers around me better and teach them soldier skills and educate them on things, but most of the stuff they won't let me teach these guys cause MOST of them aren't combat MOS'S in my unit anyway. I work in a Brigade S3/TOC/ADMIN unit and it's un-motivating when they are doing some kind of pre depolyment ops and I have to do the same thing knowing I'm not going on the deployment anyways. Just feel like a waste of my time. :monkeypoo: Worse than that, they made me miss 2 1/2 weeks of school at OSU so that I could go to Camp Ravenna, in Ravenna, OH for training for the upcoming deployment, even though they know I'm not going and have a non deployable status, wasting the govt's $ for my GI Bill, forcing me to work my dick off to catch back up in my classes when I got home and ended up having to drop 2/3 of my classes cause it wasn't possible to catch up. The worst part is, ALL I did in Ravenna, was turn on generator flood lights at sunset and turn them on at sunrise for 2 1/2 weeks. No joke. They shit on me hard. Then I find out they let a brand new private I know, who IS going on the deployment skip the training session so he didn't miss school at the SAME OSU campus I go to when I'm a non deployable fucking NCO (E-5/SGT) with combat experience attending college....I'm telling you, it's rare to get a great guard job, don't waste your damn time.

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