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Anyone in the Army?


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Marines, Airmen and Squids :D can prolly answer your questions as well.

If they were dense enough to join the army I'd be wary of any advice they may give. :rolleyes:

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I was Active Duty Army...but we had muskets back then....:D

Seriously, if you aren't in the military yet, ask everyone from all branches to get info...but don't use big words around the Marines....it just confuses them.:eek:

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I was Active Duty Army...but we had muskets back then....:D

Seriously, if you aren't in the military yet, ask everyone from all branches to get info...but don't use big words around the Marines....it just confuses them.:eek:

I lol'd on both parts!

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If you hav a specific job you are interested in. We may be able to find you someone who is/has done it.

Love the Marine jokes you Bastids! But I know you're just jealous of our ninja skillz!

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I found this hilarious. Decided it'd fit here.

Thinking about leaving the Army??…….Here is a handy 12 Step Program that may assist your transition:

1. I am in the military, I have problems. This acknowledgment is the first step to recovery...

2. Speech:

Civvy time does not begin with a zero or end in a hundred, ie It is not "zero five three zero" or "fourteen hundred" it is "five thirty" or "two o'clock".

Words like "deck", "farter", and "PT" will get you strange looks; use their proper names eg floor, bed, workout, .

"F*ck" should not be used to replace whatever word you can't think of right now, try "umm".

Grunting is not communicating

It's a phone, not a radio, conversations on a phone do not follow a set procedure and do not end in "out".

3. Style:

Do not put creases in your jeans or on the front of your dress shirts.

Do not iron your collar flat.

A hat indoors does not make you a bad person

You do not have to wear a belt ALL the time.

4. Women:

Not all women like to take orders and most will probably punch you in the nuts if you treat them like one of your diggers .

Being divorced twice by the time you are 25 is not normal, neither are 6 month marriages, even if it is your first.

5. Personal accomplishments:

In the real world, being able to do lots of push-ups will not make you good at your job.

You will disturb most people if you tell them about people you have seen die.

How much pain you can take is not seen as a personal accomplishment.

6. Drinking:

That time you drank a full slab of beer and peed in your wardrobe is not a good conversation starter.

That time you went to the combat survival school and practiced giving vodka IV's will also not be a good conversation point .

6. Bodily functions:

Farting on your co-workers and then giggling while you run away may be viewed as "childish".

The size of the dump you took yesterday will not be funny no matter how big it was, how much it burned, or how much it stunk .

Don’t make fun of someone for being sick, no matter how funny it is.

Getting VD or passing it on will also not be funny.

7. The human body:

Most people will not want to hear about your nuts, their size, whether they itch, how they fit into your jocks….odd as that may seem, it's true.

8. Spending habits:

One day, you will have to pay bills.

Buying a $60,000 car on a $35,000 a year salary is a really bad idea.

One day you will need health insurance.

9. Interacting with civilians:

Making fun of your neighbour to his face for being fat will not be acceptable .

10. Real jobs in Civvy Street:

They really can fire you.

On the flip side you really can quit.

Screaming at the people that work for you will not be normal, remember they really can quit too.

Taking long smokos will not be acceptable.

Remember it’s 9-5 not 0530 to 1800.

11. The Law:

“Contact counselling “ is not condoned .

Your workplace, unlike your command can't save you and probably won't, in fact most likely you will be fired about 5 minutes after they find out you've been arrested.

Fighting is not a normal thing and will get you really arrested, not yelled at before they ask you if you won.

12. General knowledge:

You can in fact really say what you think about the President in public.

Pain is not weakness leaving the body, it's just pain.

People don't wear anything shiny that tells you they are more important then you are, be polite to all.

And Lastly....Read contracts before you sign them, remember what happened the first time……..

I still always wear a belt. My clocks are in 24hour format(the ones I can anyways). Any letters are said in the phonetic alphabet. I make my kid do push ups and sit ups as corrective actions. Its difficult for me to wear a hat indoors and I will never wear one while eating...there are other things too...

Edited by chevysoldier
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... (12 step program)...

I assume "it's a military thing and you wouldn't understand" is the reason that the "12 step program" has 13 steps total, with two #6's? :dunno:;)

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If you want to, pm me and ill shoot you my cell. Im always willing to help someone out with this kind of stuff. This offer is open to anyone here that's interested btw.

Know anything about getting "clearance"? Secret, not top secret.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Know anything about getting "clearance"? Secret, not top secret.

I held and maintained Top Secret SSBI and SCI while in the Army.

It all boils down to your job and what is needed where. The military will ask for all your background information(pretty similar to a job application), just whatever you do, don't lie, or change your story. They will ask for personal references, and interview those people, and ask those people who else to talk to and in turn, the secondary folks may get called. Credit and legal checks will be performed. The depth at which they go back into your past is related to the "height" of the clearance.

From what I remember, they are not supposed to go any further back in your life prior to your 15th birthday.

All this info is about 15-20 years out of date, so it might have changed since then.

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I held and maintained Top Secret SSBI and SCI while in the Army.

It all boils down to your job and what is needed where. The military will ask for all your background information(pretty similar to a job application), just whatever you do, don't lie, or change your story. They will ask for personal references, and interview those people, and ask those people who else to talk to and in turn, the secondary folks may get called. Credit and legal checks will be performed. The depth at which they go back into your past is related to the "height" of the clearance.

From what I remember, they are not supposed to go any further back in your life prior to your 15th birthday.

All this info is about 15-20 years out of date, so it might have changed since then.

I need clearance for a job that does contract work for air force, navy, etc. Went great interviewing, but in the end they had to say no thanks as I was up front and told them I have bad credit. So bad credit is a "no if and or but" deal breaker? (w the government clearance. Not asking about this contractor). Really wanted this job, so not sure I'm ready to give up yet.

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I think one possible reason for the credit check for clearance has to do with access to information and what you see on site. If you have less then ideal credit, you might be tempted to start sharing/selling secrets, supplier info and anything else about said loction of employment? I have a friend that works for a power plant of the nuclear type and that was one of the resons why they check credit. They do contact references.

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