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Movie Night - Mar 2 - Wild Hogs


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Nope, it's not 21+. It's all ages. But the have a freaking awesome beer selection.



Yes they do. The first time I went in there I felt like Charlie walking into Wonka's Factory. Some are a little expensive, but sometimes you have to treat yourself to the good shit. I can reccomend many good ones and I'm sure Benjammin can too. :cheers:

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Yeah, so umm... maybe somebody else is in this spot too, but for those of us that don't know too many - if any - members on here, mainly what anyone LOOKS like, would it be better to just ask every group of people at the Lizard who they are, or is there some kind of secret handshake or something? Should we all wear hawaiian shirts? (yeah, that was sarcasm - really) It's an awesome day out and imagine most will probably bike it up, but I can't (funny thing about CA plates with expired 2004 tags and no turn signals).

Still don't know if I'll be able to make it, but if I do? Guess I'd just like to avoid looking like any bigger tool than I probably already do :banana:

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We dont have a hand shake... yet. Our thing is actually a back flip. You prolly remember reading about the importance of being able to do a full back tuck before registering to the site, right? So when you come into the Lizard, bust a simple back tuck, no twist needed for extra effects, and then we will all stand and do a back tuck to follow. This is kind of like our hand shake. We try to keep things more extreme. :cheers:

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We dont have a hand shake... yet. Our thing is actually a back flip. You prolly remember reading about the importance of being able to do a full back tuck before registering to the site, right? So when you come into the Lizard, bust a simple back tuck, no twist needed for extra effects, and then we will all stand and do a back tuck to follow. This is kind of like our hand shake. We try to keep things more extreme. :cheers:

Yeah, I've been practicing since I joined up, but I am 6'2 and in my 30's, so if I don't quite make it all the way around and shatter my melon on the floor first thing after walking in, can I at least get some credit for trying? Style and creativity points, maybe? :lol:

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We dont have a hand shake... yet. Our thing is actually a back flip. You prolly remember reading about the importance of being able to do a full back tuck before registering to the site, right? So when you come into the Lizard, bust a simple back tuck, no twist needed for extra effects, and then we will all stand and do a back tuck to follow. This is kind of like our hand shake. We try to keep things more extreme. :cheers:

So that is why I can never find you guys... I have been forgeting to do the back flip. I'll remember that. I might be out there.

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Holy crap Yotaman makes me giggle.

Seriously though... Whoever gets there first should get us a big table and tell the hostess that it is for Ohio Riders, and to point out where we are for everyone. That's probably the easiest way. Or PM me and I'll send you my cell number.

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Holy crap Yotaman makes me giggle.

Seriously though... Whoever gets there first should get us a big table and tell the hostess that it is for Ohio Riders, and to point out where we are for everyone. That's probably the easiest way. Or PM me and I'll send you my cell number.

Psssh. Well thats boring. :lol:

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It was nice meeting you and your girlfriend Buell Rider, and nice meeting you too Smokeshank.

Pedro and Yotaman et girlfriend, nice to see you guys again.

Glad you all made it out. Sorry we couldn't go see the movie. Stupid sickness owns us.

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Ditto for us, was fun to get out and put names to faces, too. Hope everybody made it home OK - nobody looked that fuschnikened when we left, but I don't know how late you all stayed, either :drink:

You guys didn't miss much on the movie, it's got it's halarious parts, but mostly was one big advertisement to go out and get a motorcycle and be cool. OCC and Harley must've made out like BANDITS on that film, too - both their bikes and logos are EVERYWHERE in it! But it was fun. Should definitely check it out.

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