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Any swimming pool experts?


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Trying to figure out how to hook up a pool vacuum for my gf. I'm pretty good w hot tubs and the associated mechanics, but pool vacuums are new to me. Is this something that can be explained on here? Or am I asking too much?

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without knowing the specific details of your system, and admitting i'm hardly an expert:

essentially you just need to

1.get the hose attached to the vacuum,

2.get everything in the water and try to get as much air out of the hose as possible. If you feed the hose into the water, forcing it underwater as you go, it should fill with water and get all the air out.

3. connect the hose to one of the inlet points of the pump system (usually the skimmers or the bottom/side drain) This can be accomplished by any number of various fittings, we'd have to know the specifics of your system for this.

4. If you still don't have enough vacuum to clean things, you may need to shut off more of the inlets to force all the input to the pump to go through your vacuum. Once again, which ones to shut would be specific on your system.

5. You will need to shut off the pump or disconnect your system every now and then to clean out whatever filtering system you are using for the vacuum, usually they come with some form of in-line coarse basket or leaf filter. When you go to turn it on, make sure that everything is still connected and once again try to get as much water in the lines as possible.

If this basic layout still doesn't make sense to you, then you may have a problem that is beyond remote walkthrough with no knowledge of your system. Hope this helped!

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Woot! I am a CPO (Certified Pool Operator) finally a question I can answer! Fizzer, has it mostly correct the only thing he missed is that with most water vacuums, you have to "prime" them. This means opening it up and dumping water inside of the suction area.

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This helps get me started. Thanks a bunch! I'll know more specifics when on site, but for now I can tell u it's an above ground pool w just one skimmer and one jet.

Big sand type filter about 4 feet tall, canister filter housing that I'm used to seeing paper filters in for hot tubs but in this case just houses place for chemicals, and the pump.

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Did you check the hose to make sure it's not clogged? It may be full of the precious boyfriends dried man gravy. You never know.

More good pointers! I'll be sure to check

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DOOHH! Finding this thread just reminded me my hose is still on outside, filling the pool for like the last 9hrs!! Thing is riiight up to the lip :lol:

We just moved into our new house 2 weeks ago, so I've been getting the crash course on maintenance & opening. Spent much of my weekend on this very subject... Vacuuming the pool. Gotta do some more tomorrow. Dumped in 4 more gallons of shock today, plus the whole bottle of algaecide. Hoping to finally get the thing swimmable this week

Here's what it looked like when we pulled the cover 2wks ago...



And here's what it's supposed to look like...


28 gallons of shock, 1 bottle of algaecide, & endless hours of vacuuming it... Hopefully I'm almooost there!

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