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Don't buy a Harley.. You might wobble and crash!


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I don't understand why people are buying parts to fix it, it is a design problem. Harley should have to pay to fix it. If not I would be running it through the showroom window.

that's a good point.

I wonder how many bikes are effected and how many people have actually crashed because of this.

there could be a class-action suit. they'd at least get a recall issued, and probably some settlement money for the victims. That takes a lot of actual accidents that you can PROVE were caused by this (claimed) design flaw.

...i really hope I can make a living purely on MC related law.

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So wait a minute, that guy had been riding for "40" years but never had a tank wobble? So uh, what did he do drive in circles in his driveway? Come on.

No kidding. Sounds like Harley has a serious problem though, A speed wobble can be recovered from, but i don't imagine its too easy on a big overweight bike. Apehangers and forward controls? Good luck.

Speed wobbles are no fun.

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I can't believe everyone is overlooking the first guy's comment at :16 into the video.

"I like it just because it's Harley Davidson." :lol:

Well good; I'm glad you don't like it for the performance, because apparently it wobbles to death at random speeds.

The other guys sounded like they read the sales brochure a few too many times.

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My dad works for Progressive, and when I bought my first bike he brought home the results of some survey they did of all their MC customers.

sportbike, cruiser, adventure bike; it didn't matter, something like 88% of riders checked "freedom" as one of the primary reasons they ride a motorcycle.

If you watch the commercials, HD's and Progressive's advertising beats that to death.

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sportbike, cruiser, adventure bike; it didn't matter, something like 88% of riders checked "freedom" as one of the primary reasons they ride a motorcycle.

If you watch the commercials, HD's and Progressive's advertising beats that to death.

Freedom is a fickled thing. Some people call a car with the window down freedom. :rolleyes: My concept of freedom with Harley means you have freedom of the money you used to have. :lol:

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"Freedom's just another word, for nothing left to loose"

- Me and Bobby McGee; Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster, but best remembered as sung by Janis Joplin.

Kristofferson said:

I think when I wrote that, I was trying to show that freedom is a double-edged sword and that you may be free, but it can be painful to be that free. But maybe at the very end, when you leave, you will be free when you've nothing else to lose, you know, when you're gone.

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if you get the "wobbles" at 25mph and damn near kill yourself in the process, the bike is NOT the problem. Your non riding simple ass IS the problem

Give the guy a break! It's hard to gain experience when you only ride a couple miles a year..

By the way, how do you get all of that trauma and injury from a 25mph crash? I am thinking that was a lie, especially when the highway patrolman was going 90mph when it happened

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Full face helmet?

Accident injuries are unpredictable. One kid suvived a fall from 20th floor of a tall building, one guy survived a suicide attempt from 39 floors. Yet Dr.Atkins died from just slipping and falling on ice. Indian Larry wasn't going much faster than walking pace when he fell.




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