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My siberian Husky :(


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that 15yr old Thai hooker was probably not a great idea... i have slight burning and irritation this morning, along with piss that looks like yellow cottage cheese.....

The consequences aren't always this obvious. Lol

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I'll warn anyone about generalizing a breed like that. Yes, he can be a big baby and filled with personality but he also WILL attack and bite. My step father has a nice scar as proof of his willingness to defend his yard.:( Now my first Dob would let little kids grab him around the neck and try to take pony rides. Every dog is different and generalizing a breed is helpfull but not a safe rule. ;)

truth. The woman who owns The Mutt Hutt has 5 dobermans. I haven't met all of them, but 3 were home when her house was broken into. Whoever got in was damn lucky he picked the right day. Becca usually rotates which ones she takes to work with her.

They're all well behaved dogs, but 2 of them are definitely more protective than the other 3.

one of the "protective" ones is also a certified 'K9 good citizen.' Jimmy Dean (they're all named after foods) does a weekly story-time with young kids. It's all about the situation.

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When i posted this thread within about 2 minutes i had a message with someone willing to pay because they understand how that will prove they can take care of the dog correctly and wants the stuff. He has a big yard and frequents a country home. I wont name names because he also doesnt like getting involved. And im sure its because im always wrong and never say anything nice, and infact its not the reason that no matter what i say it is taken negativly and pounced on.

Carry on posting though because i know none of you have anything positive to say.

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And moj i appreciate the offer that is very kind but i am just not willing to do that i dont want the dog to go to someone who is not willing to pay for exactly the same reason when i used to adopt cats with a lady who went and rescued them we would make sure the person is financially capable.

Carwhore you say you have lost so much money on stuff and tell me that i have to let the dog go for free or someone else has to pay me for you to have it. If money was not such a big issue to you and you wanted the dog you would have just said heres 3 hundred and then i may have been confident in letting you have her.

But anyone involved in this thread just isnt worthy of the dog. Sorry.

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And moj i appreciate the offer that is very kind but i am just not willing to do that i dont want the dog to go to someone who is not willing to pay for exactly the same reason when i used to adopt cats with a lady who went and rescued them we would make sure the person is financially capable.

Carwhore you say you have lost so much money on stuff and tell me that i have to let the dog go for free or someone else has to pay me for you to have it. If money was not such a big issue to you and you wanted the dog you would have just said heres 3 hundred and then i may have been confident in letting you have her.

But anyone involved in this thread just isnt worthy of the dog. Sorry.

You do know that your the biggest douche bag pathological lying piece of worthless shit that has yet to grace this forum, right? I don't wish ill will on anyone but you are damn close. :nono:

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Carwhore you say you have lost so much money on stuff and tell me that i have to let the dog go for free or someone else has to pay me for you to have it. If money was not such a big issue to you and you wanted the dog you would have just said heres 3 hundred and then i may have been confident in letting you have her.

money is not an issue. I could quit and not work for 2yrs and live my same life style if i choose. I choose not to give you the money.

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But anyone involved in this thread just isnt worthy of the dog. Sorry.

possibly the dumbest thing you've ever posted.

there are multiple people on this board who have rescued dogs, and some who actively work with rescue organizations. Of course none of us know what we're talking about, and the 19 yr old who has had the dog "for a few months" knows more about the subject than we do.:rolleyes:

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When i posted this thread within about 2 minutes i had a message with someone willing to pay

They why didn't you take that offer then? Instead of dragging this out and then saying you were just going to keep the dog because everyone made you feel like an asshole??? Sounds like BS to me.

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They why didn't you take that offer then? Instead of dragging this out and then saying you were just going to keep the dog because everyone made you feel like an asshole??? Sounds like BS to me.

exactly! I called it. If your member is on here, have him pm ben. And then let ben let us know if someone is getting the dog or not, that way no s/n are involved. But I think its bs. If you had an offer, you would of said that in the thread and had it locked.

My offer is still available. You were on here for probably 25mins before you even responeded to your thread, I had to leave you a visitor message, then you responeded.

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And moj i appreciate the offer that is very kind but i am just not willing to do that i dont want the dog to go to someone who is not willing to pay for exactly the same reason when i used to adopt cats with a lady who went and rescued them we would make sure the person is financially capable.

Carwhore you say you have lost so much money on stuff and tell me that i have to let the dog go for free or someone else has to pay me for you to have it. If money was not such a big issue to you and you wanted the dog you would have just said heres 3 hundred and then i may have been confident in letting you have her.

But anyone involved in this thread just isnt worthy of the dog. Sorry.

And your back and talking about alot of people you dont know. I guess it will never end. :mad:

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When i posted this thread within about 2 minutes i had a message with someone willing to pay

He is starting to sound a lot like this guy that ended up reposting the bike on CL a couple weeks later :nono:

guess im the asshole who just sold it than too huh....7500 for it....not bad...have fun with ur bikes gents
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People say in person your not an ass like you are on here. Why can't you be the same on here?

Simple. No computer screen to hide behind. It is very different when he has to face a person and call them dumb, immature, and wrong. He did his little neck snapped by more than a few on here. Thats why he is "different" in person.

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And moj i appreciate the offer that is very kind but i am just not willing to do that i dont want the dog to go to someone who is not willing to pay for exactly the same reason when i used to adopt cats with a lady who went and rescued them we would make sure the person is financially capable.

Carwhore you say you have lost so much money on stuff and tell me that i have to let the dog go for free or someone else has to pay me for you to have it. If money was not such a big issue to you and you wanted the dog you would have just said heres 3 hundred and then i may have been confident in letting you have her.

But anyone involved in this thread just isnt worthy of the dog. Sorry.

Your the only one on here not worthy of the dog!

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I m going to guess after a few of the comments that Ringo has made it might be best just to leave and probably not come around, especially in person.

Actually I don't think we've ever had an issue with someone on the caliber of this guy, but that is just my opinion.

All I care about in this thread anymore is making sure that the dog is in a happy place with someone who has time for her. If none of us are "worthy of her" then take her to the pound, lets us know where she is, and I am sure she will be fine.

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Do you even realize what a jackass you make yourself look like? You have lied, back peddled, and conrtadicted yourself so many times in this thread it amazes me. You must not read anything that anyone has posted or you completely fail at reading comprehension because the level of retardation you have shown in this thread is worthy of a gold medal at the special olympics.

I hope to god that dog gets a good life but by reading the shit you have spewed all over this forum in the 20 something days you have been a member I highly doubt that life is with you.

Grow the fuck up or get the fuck out

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should probably put this in here.

If anyone wants to adopt a dog and take care of it look out here. They normally charged $120+iirc but it looks like their running some specials.


As Sky will probably end up here since Ringo can't take care of her and won't allow this to happen.

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I wonder if Sky even really exists or if that is some stock photo he pulled from google to piss everyone off for fun. Multiple people on here have offered money and some haven't even degraded him, yet he doesn't respond...

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And moj i appreciate the offer that is very kind but i am just not willing to do that i dont want the dog to go to someone who is not willing to pay for exactly the same reason when i used to adopt cats with a lady who went and rescued them we would make sure the person is financially capable.

Carwhore you say you have lost so much money on stuff and tell me that i have to let the dog go for free or someone else has to pay me for you to have it. If money was not such a big issue to you and you wanted the dog you would have just said heres 3 hundred and then i may have been confident in letting you have her.

But anyone involved in this thread just isnt worthy of the dog. Sorry.

If the dog is free but you need to see financial statements, I will get ours in order.

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And moj i appreciate the offer that is very kind but i am just not willing to do that i dont want the dog to go to someone who is not willing to pay for exactly the same reason when i used to adopt cats with a lady who went and rescued them we would make sure the person is financially capable.

Carwhore you say you have lost so much money on stuff and tell me that i have to let the dog go for free or someone else has to pay me for you to have it. If money was not such a big issue to you and you wanted the dog you would have just said heres 3 hundred and then i may have been confident in letting you have her.

But anyone involved in this thread just isnt worthy of the dog. Sorry.

Wow, seriously? I tried to stay away from this thread, but that is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. I've owned dogs all my life and always just go with rescues or dogs that need re-homed. Throughout this thread, you have been backpedaling and trying to come up with excuses to charge your fee. Now you say you do it to prove they are "financially capable."

Whatever dude, tell yourself whatever you need to make yourself sleep better at night. Most [decent] people charge re-homing fees because they actually travel to the interested parties house to scope out the living situation, the owners, and check on things to see that they can provide properly for the dog. Just because someone can fork over $300 means nothing.

You also talk about the lady you adopted cats out with, yet you obviously fail at your own logic since you have made the same mistake that you're claiming your $300 charge will keep from happening again.

You are a disgusting liar who exudes the traits of the "ME! ME! ME!" attitude of your generation. I hope for the sake of the dog that you DO find it a good home. I don't care if you feel like it redeems you or not, you are not our concern. Enjoy whatever your $300 will buy you.


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