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OSU Coach Jim Tressel RESIGNS!


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Pryor and the other players did what they did with only their own benefit in mind. JT at least has the appearance of doing what he did for the sake of the team. Right or wrong JT had respect for more than just winning games.

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I totaly lost any respect for Pryor, driving up in a new 300zx, what a dumb ass, football program under microscope and he pulls that shit! College players are getting as bad as pro players, hell I will have to stick to watching peewee league!

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What 20 year old isn't going to take free gifts and money?

And do you really think JT 'forgot' to inform the NCAA when he got the emails, or that he was looking out for the team?

Go read the SI article.

JT isn't an evil person, but he IS a hypocrite, and the only reason Buckeye nation is supporting him is because he won games. Again...had this been Cooper, he'd be roasted over the coals.

And I was a JT fan up until that BS press conference.

Edited by InyaAzz
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What 20 year old isn't going to take free gifts and money?

the smart kind.

If I told 18 yr old me "follow these simple rules for the next 4 years, and you're going to get an NFL contract worth millions," I would fucking listen.

I have zero sympathy for any of the 'stars' who got caught here. The only players who have some kind of excuse for living it up in college are the ones who probably WON'T make it in the NFL. This is it for them, so I don't blame them for milking it for all it's worth while it lasts. Pryor has (had?) a lucrative career ahead of him. Joe Practice-squad probably didn't, so I really wouldn't blame him for getting some free tattoos, a little weed, and a $0 lease on his car. But this just reinforced what we all already knew: stupid people do stupid things.

I don't particularly blame Tressel for getting caught up in the hoopla and covering their tracks. What's his alternative? Get a reputation as the coach who turns in his players? That wouldn't help recruiting one bit. No win for him, but he still broke the rules.

I've said ti before, and I'll say it again; as soon as these kids stop being "student athletes" and starting being "athlete students," there is no controlling the corruption.

Eliminate college sports and just go to a minor league system like MLB has. Anyone who plays college sports should be committed to not going pro. that's the only way to ensure that they're actually students, and not just semi-pro athletes who happen to live on campus.

Edited by redkow97
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It's easy to say that college kids will turn the money down, but the reality is it rarely happens. I'm not saying there is widespread pay offs and money exchanging hands, but come one...they're human. I'm not talking about the excess that Pryor displayed....no one can condone that. I'm talking about getting something here and there for free, that everyone generally looks the other way when it happens.

And exactly who is Tressel covering up for..the kids or himself? The kids have some responsibility in this of course...but to say that it's ok for Tressel to cover this up is just crazy and reeks of entitlement....and only because Tressel was winning games. HE'S BEEN IN THIS SITUATION BEFORE! He even suspended Smith and Clarett when he found out before. So WHY is THIS particular situation different? Please explain to me why it's ok to suspend players at OSU in the past..but not apply the same punishment this time around. He KNOWINGLY PUT INELIGIBLE PLAYERS ON THE FIELD! Who did more damage here?

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It's easy to say that college kids will turn the money down, but the reality is it rarely happens.

that is why I don't think there should be nearly as many "college athletes."

Institute a 1 strike policy, and limit the total value of the athletic scholarships to the real cost of tuition, housing, books, and meals. 1 strike and you're out.

Those who really value their education will follow the rules, and those who don't can go to Minor League NFL, or whatever you want to call it. But I think we can all agree that the current system encourages corruption, and even when it "works," the result is schools getting millions of dollars on the backs of the athletes.

the only moral dilema (for me anyway) is the fact that OSU football probably pays for nearly 100% of its other athletic and academic scholarships, so those will certainly be cut.

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Agreed. if ANYTHING comes of this, I hope it's that the NCAA will take a hard look at the current system and change it. The current system is a 'booster's' playground. And the blood lust to win at all costs just fuels this. OSU isn't alone...they just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar..and JT made it worse when he lied to the NCAA. I think had JT come forward and suspended these players....like he should have...we wouldn't be here today. BUT...he wanted to win..and he knew that benching these guys would severely hurt those chances. And, he was probably gun shy because of what Clarett said. Yeah, he was protecting these players...but he was also protecting himself. He's a hypocrite, and no better than the SEC coaches who usually get roasted by Big 10 fans.

Honestly...we're talking about some weed (LOL) and some tats. Yeah...Pryor is a dick for driving around in new cars all the time...but OSU and it's compliance dept allowed it to happen. They sold their Big10/OSU gear when they weren't supposed to....Pryor took some shit from the locker room. Ok...all bad stuff, but there have been worse things going on in the NCAA. I don't really have any issue with most of that....other than the fact that I'm sure these 'benefits' were used as recruiting tools to get tops players to OSU. My only beef is with everyone who thinks JT is some sort of martyr.

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SI claims there is more info to come. Pryor's name is the one being brought up. Its about the car's he's been given to use I'll bet. Well he needs to be suspended for the upcoming year and the AD at OSU needs to be fired. They will more than likely have to forfeit their entire season for playing ineligible players, lose some scholarships and be unable to play in any bowl games for a year or two. But they will survive. They will comeback if they get a coach in who demands rule adherence.

The story about them selling their medals was because they needed the money. Why's that? They get all sorts of freebies all year long. They get a stipend every month, plus we all know none of these kids is poor to begin with. So whats so bad about a kid in their position having to play by a set of rules, no matter how stringent, for 3 or 4 years, when most of them are going to break out of college making millions of $$$$'s?

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Yup..more to the story. The author was on the radio today saying that there is more dropping...but it was held up in legal and he couldn't comment on it.

This whole thing is a mess. If I had to guess, I'd say Tressel did tell higher-ups about it all early on, but is falling on the sword to protect against a bigger scandal at OSU. I'd also venture to say there's a lot more to do with drugs than is being released just yet, especially with the owner of Fine Line Ink pleading out last week. The DOJ doesn't drop 20yrs off your possible sentence for nothing or for a few buyers' info. This is going to be a huge mess.

On the upside, I'll probably be able to afford season tickets this year.

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This whole thing is a mess. If I had to guess, I'd say Tressel did tell higher-ups about it all early on, but is falling on the sword to protect against a bigger scandal at OSU. I'd also venture to say there's a lot more to do with drugs than is being released just yet, especially with the owner of Fine Line Ink pleading out last week. The DOJ doesn't drop 20yrs off your possible sentence for nothing or for a few buyers' info. This is going to be a huge mess.

On the upside, I'll probably be able to afford season tickets this year.

I would prefer the team to be mediocre and actually be able to go to the games

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Gruden doesn't want this job. You're looking at unknown penalties and bans, plus a big drop in recruiting potential. It would be one of the worst jobs he could take. There are other college jobs coming up in that time frame that he could take and be put in a better situation than OSU. I think Gruden coming to CBus is nothing more than wishful thinking.

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Very true.

I hate to see OSU go down like this...over some BS really. BUT...OSU knew what it was getting when it hired JT in the first place. This is the real JT folks...he's a facilitator and a hypocrite..but he's a helluva coach and generally a good guy. OSU took the good with the bad, and it eventually caught up with them.

I do have to take notice of OSU fan who was pretty cocky not too long ago and praised everything JT touched...and now....it's "Well, maybe UM can win a game now", or "It's all Pryor's fault".

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he's already living up here anyway... i think we know who the 2013 coach will be...

You know he's from here, right? Born in Toledo, grew up in Ashtebula. I wouldn't be upset to see him as the new coach. I think OSU could use some SEC attitude.

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the coach that doesn't mind coaching through the potential penalties and post season bans will be one that truly cares about the job and the university and IMO be a great coach when all said and done.

having said this, i personally wouldn't mind Meyer as the coach.

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the coach that doesn't mind coaching through the potential penalties and post season bans will be one that truly cares about the job and the university and IMO be a great coach when all said and done.

Exactly. You need an up and comer at this point. Someone dedicated to OSU and has something to prove. Someone who can recruit and sell the "We cleaned house" story...but be able to back it up on and off the field. UM fucked up when they hired Rich Rod...OSU can't make that same mistake. Urban Meyer is NOT that guy. You want someone in it for the long haul...someone who you have to kick out after he turns 80 years old (Paterno type).

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I can definitely see him coming to OSU. Ohio is his home.

A friend told me that he bought a house in UA a month or so ago. Can't validate it, but she told me this a month ago....not since this happened.

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I can definitely see him coming to OSU. Ohio is his home.

I would be surprised if he came to OSU while the ban hammer is being laid down, and the potential loss of scholarships (and/or bowl games) is in the air. Maybe I'm wrong...but there are better situations coming up. Texas in 2013? Ohio has great in state talent, but I think Texas wins the talent battle hands down.

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A friend told me that he bought a house in UA a month or so ago. Can't validate it, but she told me this a month ago....not since this happened.


Fairly sure it's true. I'd definitely say that isn't a coincidence.

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