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Trent Reznor remixed Immigrant Song. Wow.


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It pisses me the fuck off that they are redoing it less than 5 years after the original was made just because people don't want to read subtitles. If you have it on your ps3 it is the original with subtitles not the new one that will be coming out. Such a fucking waste, Hollywood needs to fist itself sometimes.

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It pisses me the fuck off that they are redoing it less than 5 years after the original was made just because people don't want to read subtitles. If you have it on your ps3 it is the original with subtitles not the new one that will be coming out. Such a fucking waste, Hollywood needs to fist itself sometimes.

Yes..it's the original... and I totally agree with you. I've watched more than enough movies with subtitles to know that it doesn't distract at all from the film (lazy americans!) Some of the best movies I've ever seen are subtitled.

What I CANT STAND is dubbed in voices.....yuck. Talk about a mood killer.

Anyways, I know I should read the books...but I just don't have a lot of time for that. Maybe when I go on vacation in August....

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Found a HD copy of the trailer with an excellent quality 1:41 version of the song on the tube. Holy crap that is a killer mix on what I consider a most excellent Zep song. Can't wait to get a hold of the entire song!

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