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The MOST unusual sport ever?


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I'm not sure whats worse, the fact that this fucktard is doing this or the fact that he has an audience watching and applauding him

I told my wife the same thing. OMG there are actually spectators watching this! :lol:

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Made it to 59 seconds, right before the "lady in red" chorus - that would have caused me terror when accompanied by video of a fruit in a vest paddling a fuckin' canoe.

Like that's difficult? At least in synchronized swimming (first other non-sport that popped into my head) there's a chance you might see boobage slippage.

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Man. I love this sport. You guys are just all n00bs that don't understand real talent and couldn't do this if you tried! Thanks for posting it for everyone to see what a real sport is! Also, the man put on an excellent performance timing his spinning to the timeless classic "Lady in Red". :bow:

For real though...

What the hell, is that really a "sport"? :nono:

Edited by gidet
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I question any claim of "sport" where there is subjective scoring.

speed skating, yes. figure skating, no.

ski jump, yes. "aerials" skiing, no.

racing motorcycles, yes. stunting motorcycles, no.

Just because something is difficult and takes a lot of skill doesn't make it a "sport." Some activities are just games, or tricks, or 'art forms.'

The only place I get a little conflicted is in boxing, when there's not a knockout. Clearly that's a sport when there's a definitive winner, but I don't like the idea of people being able to argue over who "really" won a decision.

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