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Info on Ron Paul


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This was at the Brecksville Rec Center last week - I totally forgot to attend.

The guy presenting is Matt Brakey, who ran for Cuyahoga County Council, and is also a classmate of mine at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. I don't agree with all of Matt's political views, but I agree with him a LOT more often than I disagree with him.


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i like a lot of stuff about ron...

then i saw him say he does not accept evolution and thinks its "just a theory" ::facepalm::

now i dont know what to think.

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i like a lot of stuff about ron...

then i saw him say he does not accept evolution and thinks its "just a theory" ::facepalm::

now i dont know what to think.

what does that have anything to do with politics? especially since he doesnt legislate based on that thought. also, evolution is no more fact than creationism and can not be proven as such. keep in mind that "the facts are out there, we just havent found them, yet" holds no more weight than "the earth was created 2000 yrs ago in 6 days".

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i like a lot of stuff about ron...

then i saw him say he does not accept evolution and thinks its "just a theory" ::facepalm::

now i dont know what to think.

Everything's a theory, but there's a difference between the scientific definition of the word and the layman's.

He's right that evoloution's a theory, a scientific theroy, that means it's consistent with observable evidence from multiple observers, like the Theory of Relativity. Lots of different things have been observed or correctly predicted with it, such as gravitational lensing, time dilation and Mercury's odd orbit that couldn't be quite pinned down with Newtonian Mechanics, but was dead on using Einstein's equations because it took into account the sun's massive gravity causing Frame Dragging. The sun's deep gravity well actually pulls space/time around with it.

Whereas the average guy's definition would be akin to "My theory is Mr. Mustard did it in the Den with the candlestick." That's a hypothesis at best, probably more like an opinion.

So yea, it's a theory, just not like he meant. That or he was trolling the idiots.

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are you serious? :nono:

i'm saying that you can not speak in absolutes regarding the origin of man. therefore, you can not definitively say that we evolved from apes or were created by God. concrete and conclusive evidence does not exist for either argument, only faith in one or the other. i dont see how you can fully support one or the other. and how can you prove that science, as we know it, is not merely mans study and understanding or creationism, itself. myself, i dont know the answer, but am a fan of both...

RE Ron Paul: i dont know you personally and dont wish to give offense, but how can you discount him (and i'm not saying you have, totally) because he believes (as it appears) in God? he's has proven not to allow that to influence his decisions as a congressman because he is responsible enough to differentiate between his personal beliefs and his constitutional responsibilities.

forget it, he's rolling.

i'm sorry you hate me so much.

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