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40 members.......

max power

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We are now the biggest non brand specific social group on OR. Only The Red Riders (Honda group) is bigger. This should make for some nice cruiser rides this summer.

If you know of any more cruiser riders, or people who like to ride with us, invite them to join.

I think a Slow n Go meet and greet is a great idea now that spring is here. Any suggestions?


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Max,cool ya got 40 members here,,trying to get a ride together would be hard to do I would think for all parts of the state,I could help with something around the Cincinnati area but I would think that Columbus,Cleveland,Toledo etc.would best be served by their own rides around their own local area.Cincinnati area is easy..soo much around here with good roads I like nice gentle sweepers..


But as always I think people are so busy it is hard to get a group ride together...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thats alotta miles Wolf, damn.


That was 21 years ago....still proud of it today.Put a few on since.

Some of us old XS1100 Yamaha riders(from the Cincinnati area) are getting our second SWOXS ride planned(May 17th) and it looks like Madison IN is the destination.I still have to do the pre trip but it looks like a river ride down with a spirited ride back thru the back roads but yet scenic..we are older and aren't peg scrapers:D..maybe a pipe or two:eek:....from our first ride..nothing special but we had a good time,only four of us but this time it is looking like ten....


The XS1100 was a pretty powerful bike in it's time..there are some that have been built and can kick some serious asz..


Old stuff I know but this is were I am at..........

Old muscle bike riders are still out there..we even have one gal who is joing us on her 1100....

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It's nice to see that there are some other cruiser riders on the site. I just joined and was seeing a LOT of sport bikes. I'm from the Toledo area in NW Ohio, if someone were to organize a ride, I'd be willing to ride to Cinci or Cleveland to meet up for group ride. It's not too often that I get to roll with other cruisers, all of my friends that I ride with are on sport bikes.

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Hey s-13 there are alot of older bike riders out there still plugging along..I am leading a small group of XS1100('78-81) riders all from around the cincinnati area to Madison IN next month.We had our first little ride last fall,only four showed but we have more saying they are coming this time..maybe ten..old muscle and cruiser bikes are still out there..we just like to keep it a secret:-)


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