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New gun in my fleet. Going to rent this one on big days at my club


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A form 3 finally cleared. This is an HK UMP45, and is a ton of fun to shoot. I wish I could sell these, because they would sell like hot cakes.

Those are fun to shoot. My department can get them for $800, Form 5.

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Well my range put the kabash to a machine gun shoot. Apparently they dont have good enough insurance for it on the range, so the trustees told the manager that the only person who may shoot an mg on the range now is the guns owner. So no rentals. So if any of you guys have private land/place to shoot and want to set up an mg shoot, send me a message. Working on a few more guns still, might start doing rentals at blackwing or something if they would let me for parties.

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Nice, sub-machinegun with what appears to be some sort of baby gear/toy in the background. That'll make the hippies cry !

That's my kid's bouncer. She helps sell stuff at the store by being cute.

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