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Parade Float help


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for the last couple years I've been helping my friends church build a parade float and then I end up having to pull it in the parade with my truck.

This year the theme is "All in the Family". Worst theme ever but I think we came up to do a National Lampoons Family Vacation style float. If someone has a better idea let me know as this needs put together in the evenings next week for the parade on the morning of 8/6. If someone has a better idea though we are all for it.

If not, what the hell should we do? One of the ideas was to try and find a station wagon and do it up like the family truckster but the budget is $200 and I don't know anyone with a station wagon. Help! :D

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Bahahahaha I thought you were coming out of the closet and needed midget Todd to ride the pride float with you


this parade couldn't come at a worse time because I've got so many other friggin projects on my plate. This is why I'm reaching out to come up with ideas or things to make this easy. I just don't have time this week to figure it out on my own, plus everyone around here is always such a big help when it comes to me and my dumb questions. Its become a tradition and its usually a blast building it all while getting free dinner and beer all week so that helps

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