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ahhh thank goodness for political refugees!!


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This is why we should NEVER again set foot on anyother countries soil. When we get involved in another countries war we get the luxury of political refugees.

Eight Somali store operators charged in food-stamp fraud -

Eight men who ran four area food markets are accused of abusing federal food programs for the needy at a cost to taxpayers of more than $1.5 million, newly unsealed charges allege.

Federal officials announced the indictments and arrests yesterday, though six of the eight men were indicted on Jan. 10 and arrested Friday.

The indictments say that the owners and managers of two stores on the North Side and two on the West Side allowed their customers to use food stamps and WIC vouchers illegally. They permitted, authorities say, the exchange of the stamps and vouchers for cash and allowed people to use them to buy prepaid international phone cards and to pay off personal loans.

In some cases, the money also was laundered through U.S. bank accounts and wasn’t disclosed on tax returns, said IRS spokesman Craig Casserly.

All eight of the men indicted are Somali immigrants who were in the country legally but are not U.S. citizens.

The stores involved included City Dollar Store, 3350 Cleveland Ave.; Ohio Grocery and Halal Meats, 2815 Cleveland Ave.; Marwaas Market, 4181 W. Broad St.; and Muna Market, 3770 W. Broad St. All of the stores catered to the Somali community, said Fred Alverson, spokesman for the U.S. district attorney’s office.

All four stores closed during the investigations; three have since reopened under new ownership.

The Marwaas Market location now operates as the Margherita Market. The Ohio Grocery and Halal Meats location is now the Salama Market. City Dollar’s new owner uses the same name.

During the investigation, undercover officers went into the stores and were given money for food stamps, the charges state.

The indictments do not clarify if the person was given an equal amount in cash, or whether the store charged a fee for the transaction.

The indictments show that the stores had a high percentage of food-stamp transactions.

For example, City Dollar Store showed it had $1.8 million in tax-exempt sales from January 2003 to August 2006. During that same time, the store claimed twice that amount -- $3.4 million -- in food stamp purchases.

Those arrested are: Khalif Mohamed Abukar, whose age is unknown; Zeidi Said Omar, 44; Saidi Kadi Sheikuna, 36; Ali Ahmed Said, 36; Abdulhakim Said Abukar, 35; and Shuceeb Geedi, 50.

Their addresses weren’t available and none could be reached for comment. The six named have been allowed to remain free as their cases go through court

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Keep a couple of things in mind here....

  1. The US went to Somalia on a humanitarian relief mission that was more or less over within a year. It was the "multi-national" UN task force that got us bogged down over there. We didn't go over there to "get in the middle" of someone else's war.
  2. It was your tax dollars at work when it took a bloated state government all of that time to uncover the fraud.
  3. If we didn't give so much away in "welfare", there wouldn't be as much opportunity for fraud.

Carry on.....:D

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Keep a couple of things in mind here....

  1. The US went to Somalia on a humanitarian relief mission that was more or less over within a year. It was the "multi-national" UN task force that got us bogged down over there. We didn't go over there to "get in the middle" of someone else's war.
  2. It was your tax dollars at work when it took a bloated state government all of that time to uncover the fraud.
  3. If we didn't give so much away in "welfare", there wouldn't be as much opportunity for fraud.

Carry on.....:D

Wasnt there some movie called "Blackhawk Down" that address some of the US involvement over there??

Was there a war going on there? Did we have any military operations there?

So we had 20,000+ troops there and had military operations there and we didnt "get in the middle" of there war?

You believe what you want but I believe the US needs to keep its nose out of other peoples business.

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Wasnt there some movie called "Blackhawk Down" that address some of the US involvement over there??

Was there a war going on there? Did we have any military operations there?

So we had 20,000+ troops there and had military operations there and we didnt "get in the middle" of there war?

You believe what you want but I believe the US needs to keep its nose out of other peoples business.

Yup, there was a movie called Blackhawk Down...everyone knows what comes out of Hollywood is true, right? :rolleyes:

There WAS a civil "war" that happened in Somalia, but it wasn't going on when we initially went there on the aid mission. People were starving, and the bleeding heart liberals in this country wanted to feed them. That's what we did.

Once it was "up and running" (done and paid for by the USA) the UN decided that they were better suited to operate this "humanitarian mission", so we turned it all over to them. When the Somali "War Lords" saw the opportunity to take all the stuff the UN was passing out, things got sticky. THAT is when the "war" started. Although the US had the largest number of people on the ground, it wasn't a US Mission - it was the UN. We didn't go to Somalia to bail anyone out of any war. You wanna blame somebody for "Blackhawk Down"? Call the UN.

I think its really a stretch to connect those events to the fact that some Somali immigrants got caught cheating the government. They more than likely would have come here regardless - just like they come from everywhere else. They'll all bitch about this country when they're in their homeland, but the first place they all want to come is here. Why do you think that is?

You know, its been a hell of a long time since we invaded Mexico, or anywhere else in Latin America, but they keep coming here by the dozens.

I'd be more worried about that as opposed to the welfare fraud.

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Yup, there was a movie called Blackhawk Down...everyone knows what comes out of Hollywood is true, right? :rolleyes:

There WAS a civil "war" that happened in Somalia, but it wasn't going on when we initially went there on the aid mission. People were starving, and the bleeding heart liberals in this country wanted to feed them. That's what we did.

Once it was "up and running" (done and paid for by the USA) the UN decided that they were better suited to operate this "humanitarian mission", so we turned it all over to them. When the Somali "War Lords" saw the opportunity to take all the stuff the UN was passing out, things got sticky. THAT is when the "war" started. Although the US had the largest number of people on the ground, it wasn't a US Mission - it was the UN. We didn't go to Somalia to bail anyone out of any war. You wanna blame somebody for "Blackhawk Down"? Call the UN.

I think its really a stretch to connect those events to the fact that some Somali immigrants got caught cheating the government. They more than likely would have come here regardless - just like they come from everywhere else. They'll all bitch about this country when they're in their homeland, but the first place they all want to come is here. Why do you think that is?

You know, its been a hell of a long time since we invaded Mexico, or anywhere else in Latin America, but they keep coming here by the dozens.

I'd be more worried about that as opposed to the welfare fraud.

Somali refugees began arriving in the United States and Columbus became a popular destination. Ohio now has the second largest Somali population in the nation. It is estimated that 40,000 Somali refugees call Columbus home and more are expected in the future. Even in Somali, Columbus, Ohio has become well-known.

In 2000 the Somali Community Association of Ohio began providing assistance to hundreds of these new refugees and immigrants. Men, women, young adults and school children walk through our doors every day searching for community services.

do you think that the fact that we open our doors to these people and let them live here legally has anything to do with our involvment in their countries matters? If you need help making that decision read up about dearborn michigan. Shortly after "desert storm" we had people from Iraq moving here by the thousands.

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do you think that the fact that we open our doors to these people and let them live here legally has anything to do with our involvment in their countries matters? If you need help making that decision read up about dearborn michigan. Shortly after "desert storm" we had people from Iraq moving here by the thousands.

Nope, I don't think it has anything to do with it, and I really don't need to "read up" on Dearborn Michigan. I've been there, and have seen it first hand. I don't think one thing has anything to do with the other. We haven't invaded Mexico since when - the 1800's? I suppose all the Mexicans coming into the country are still coming because of that?

Maybe all the Vietnamese that moved to the Atlanta area in the late 80's and early 90's were refugees from the Vietnam War? I didn't see a big influx of Eastern Europeans after the Bosnia Conflict - did you? Typically, one family from a country ends up in a certain area and the next thing you know theres two, three, ten, twenty. Thats why you have all the Poles in Chicago and all the fags in San Francisco

We as a country have pretty liberal immigration policies, obviously. Personally, I think we need to take a look at that. We need to tighten things up a bit so these people dont continue to drain our resources.

Sorry man, but its still a stretch to think that the fraud that happened recently was somehow related to the events of 13 or 14 years ago. If you're that worried about the problem (welfare fraud) look a little closer to home. I've seen plenty of "families" in the grocery store, dressed better than me an my kids, buying all the "good stuff" plus beer, wine and cigs, 10 year olds talking on their own cell phones, all while "mom" pays for the bread and milk with a grub stub and gives the cashier a visa card for the rest. That, my friend is bullshit. I'm pretty sure that if you can afford cell phones for your 10 year old, beer, wine and smokes, you certainly don't need to be sucking the government tit for your bread, milk and cereal.

Until they change the system - maybe make it temporary - you'll always have this problem. I'm guessing the "other" fraud costs us taxpayers way more than a million or two every three years.

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huh? I am not making up the fact that columbus has 40,000+ "political refugees" living here from somolia and I am not making up the fact that some of them are commiting fraud and costing US taxpayers millions. Do you have any other point other than there are bigger problems in this country?

As far as you comment "look a little closer to home" I cant get any closer there are hundreds of somalie "political refugees" within a couple blocks of my home. Maybe I am imagining them too

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Once upon a time, I spent a while at the Columbus Health Department in the Immunization Clinic. After seeing hundreds of illegal immigrants (read: Mexicans) receive FREE immunizations that are paid for out of OUR paychecks, I was angry.

Then, I considered the long-term health implications that all of us in the wonderful US of A are subjected to if we don't immunize illegals, I was even more angry.

That's all. I don't really have a point. Ron Paul 2008.

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huh? I am not making up the fact that columbus has 40,000+ "political refugees" living here from somolia and I am not making up the fact that some of them are commiting fraud and costing US taxpayers millions. Do you have any other point other than there are bigger problems in this country?

As far as you comment "look a little closer to home" I cant get any closer there are hundreds of somalie "political refugees" within a couple blocks of my home. Maybe I am imagining them too

I thought I'd made my point. I guess I'll have to say it one more time:

The actions of the US in a humanitarian relief mission didn't cause the Somali's to come to Columbus. People from all over the world come here all the time because this is still the best deal going.

Did you see it that time?

I could really care less about 40,000 Somali's in Columbus. Apparently in your mind, the actions of a handful of those people mean all 40,000 are a bunch of white collar criminals. Be happy they're not rapists and axe murders.

I didn't say that people dont come here to escape "problems" in their own country. Call them political refugees, immigrants whatever you want. They've been doing that for years...the French, Irish, Italians at the turn of the century came to escape poverty and make a better life for themselves and their families. Oddly enough, that happened wayyyyyyy before either of the World Wars. Remember the Mariel Boat Lift of 1980? Thousands of Cubans fled Fidel's playground as "political refugees" and we never fired a shot. A bunch of Hatians came over around that time too, but I don't remember reading anything in the paper about an invasion of Haiti at that time.

If the 100's of Somali's that live around the corner from you are causing you some type of discomfort, maybe you should move? Its a big country - I hear Wisconsin is nice this time of year.

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I will call them political refugees and so will the Community Refugee

and Immigration Services of columbus http://www.cris-ohio.com/ our government gives them interest free transportation loans that are hardly repaid just to come here

I am not saying they are all criminals but per capita they do commit more crimes than american citizens and per capita have higher disease rates. Yes they are causing lots of people discomfort, from increased theft and the lack of insurance of somali drivers. Maybe everyone should move, good suggestion

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I will call them political refugees and so will the Community Refugee

and Immigration Services of columbus http://www.cris-ohio.com/ our government gives them interest free transportation loans that are hardly repaid just to come here

I am not saying they are all criminals but per capita they do commit more crimes than american citizens and per capita have higher disease rates. Yes they are causing lots of people discomfort, from increased theft and the lack of insurance of somali drivers. Maybe everyone should move, good suggestion

Ok, so a non profit organization calls them "political refugees" too. If thats what you want to call them, call them that - it doesnt change the fact that they didn't come here because we went to their country. They came here because its better here than it is in Somalia.

I'd like to see some statistics that back up your claim of a higher per capita crime rate among Somalis vs. native born US citizens. I did a little digging, but couldn't come up with any.

Uninsured Somali drivers must be a bigger problem in Columbus than it is up here in Cleveland - we haven't heard anything about it.

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Somalis are shit! Who cares. Immigrants have always committed more crimes than seasoned citizens. Look back to the irish and the potato famine. They came over here and started all kinds of gangs. Some of which were talked about in gangs of new york. They actually existed. Dead Rabbits, Bowery boys etc. I am from new york and could go on all day about it. The only thing that can be done is tighten our immigration policy. But that will never happen because everyone wants cheap labor so kill em all or figure out a way to make money off of them.

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Somalis are shit! Who cares. Immigrants have always committed more crimes than seasoned citizens. Look back to the irish and the potato famine. They came over here and started all kinds of gangs. Some of which were talked about in gangs of new york. They actually existed. Dead Rabbits, Bowery boys etc. I am from new york and could go on all day about it. The only thing that can be done is tighten our immigration policy. But that will never happen because everyone wants cheap labor so kill em all or figure out a way to make money off of them.

Immigrants have always committed more crimes than "seasoned citizens"? WTF does THAT mean? Last time I checked, our prisons are full of people born and raised here.

The Gangs of New York...another great Hollywood reference. Yeah...everything in that movie was soooo true :rolleyes:. Is there a limit to the number of movies you can refer to in a thread?

Our immigration policy as it stands really isnt too bad. They need to start ENFORCING it, and sending the illegal aliens back to where they came from.

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Yes they need to start enforcing it. However it needs to be tightened as well. I don't recall saying everything in the movie was true only that there were a lot of irish gangs. Some of which were listed in the movie. Yes there are more people in our prisons that are born an raised here however the prison population in the U.S. is 26% illegal immigrants last time I checked, it's been a few months so that number could be off a little. If you would like a good book on our immigration policies I could suugest one. It was written by Michelle Malkin, I can't remember the name but should be easy to find. She is the daughter of legal immigrants. It is a very good informative read. She is an investigative journalist so it is not just b.s. she writes about.

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