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I'm slipping...


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if Pedro hadn't reminded me? I probably would have forgot all about it... but, since I didn't get a joke up yesterday? Saturday morning will have to do this week. Ma bust :dunno:

A man is sitting at a downtown bar by himself, just drinking his drink and watching the TV when out of the corner of his eye he sees a figure walking across the room. He turns to see the most sinuous, drop-dead-gorgeous woman with the most perfect hourglass shape he has ever laid eyes upon walking towards him wearing the little black dress like no one ever has. She has a glint in her eyes of mischeif, and walks like a runway model. The man shifts in his seat, a little uneasy as she sits down next to him, crosses her legs and looks him directly in the eyes.

"Hi there, handsome" she says. "My name is Lola, and today is your lucky day!"

"Oh?" replies the guy, having already put two and two together. "Why is it my lucky day?"

"Well," Lola replies as she begins playing with his necktie, "because today is a special day. I usually make $300/hr, but for you? I'll do anything you want for the whole next 24hrs for the same price."


Lola leans in, places her glossy red lips right next to the man's ear and whispers in her bedroom voice "anything you want, baby".

The man sighs as he looks at his wedding band on his hand, looks over at Lola's gorgeous body wrapped in tight black jaw-dropping-ness, and slowly reaches for his wallet. Lola smiles and begins to rub her lower lip with her finger as he hands her the $300.

The man turns in his seat, leans forward, looks her square in the eyes, and slowly says to her "paint... my... house."

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