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Spring is coming!!!


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Just so everyone knows, our St Rt 37 store was shut down last year due to some internal issues, but we have moved everything down to our 35 S Franklin St location. Right now we are looking for bikes to stock up on for spring! So if you hve something for sell hit me up with pictures, a description, and an asking price to JustinA@800390bike.com. If you want you can just give me a call on my ell at 614-266-9494.


Justin Adams

Cycle Search Int

Sales Manager

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  • 4 months later...
  owndjoo said:
everyone go check them out!! i've had 3 bikes from them and loved every one of them. 2 of them have been used as full on racebikes, things have to be perfect for a racebike

If they are perfect, why do you choose to run them into walls and break them like tinker toys.


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  flounder said:
If they are perfect, why do you choose to run them into walls and break them like tinker toys.


haha, fucker. atleast i proved that not all the gsxr frames have shitty welds...

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  • 4 months later...
  ninjachk08 said:
jagr! stop bringin dead threads back!!

THanks but this one im serious about. Im thinking of a possible project and wanted some feed back on the joint. i keep going up there on Mondays cause im too stupid to remember thats the only day they are closed. true story,i did that 3 times this year.

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  jagr said:
THanks but this one im serious about. Im thinking of a possible project and wanted some feed back on the joint. i keep going up there on Mondays cause im too stupid to remember thats the only day they are closed. true story,i did that 3 times this year.

you would think you would learn your lesson......that's kind of a haul up to Delaware!

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They have come a very long way from when I worked there in highschool 7 years ago. I also worked there most of 2007. Only reason I left was to join the army. No hard feelings with anyone there. Ray, Justin, and Mike are some of the easiest guys to get along with. The last big thing I helped with there was getting rid of almost everything foreign older than 1990 parts wise. I will always buy my bikes there. Not because of working there but they are great people and aren't sweating to pay bills and the workers(like other dealerships in the area).

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