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Scraped my first peg yesterday


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yeah thats probably true, I'm still too chicken to take my ass off the seat lol

I've been riding just a few years and just recently started experimenting

gradually with my positioning during turns, its takes some getting used to

but does make it much easier to make the turn. I still haven't applied it very

much yet.

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Guardrails and their posts are not something you want to meet up with because of not hanging off your bike or due to unforeseen crap on the road. You need a track day for some real fun.

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Maybe I need some formal instruction then. I know dick about body position except that on a tight turn I crouch up onto the tank and counter-lean to keep the bike in a smooth arc. If anyone is willing I would be an apt pupil for some lessons in high speed turns.

What do you mean by counter-lean?

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Body position is everything, even on the street. I tell people that all the time and get responses about how it's not the track, etc. All I know is that, when in the right position and a turn decreases radius, or there is gravel or something else slippery, I seem to have extra room to play with, and the bike doesn't get out of sorts when sliding sideways. It's much more comfortable and controlled. Half the people you see on the youtube crash videos are pushing the bike sideways underneath them and increasing lean angle, getting the pegs down until something slides or grabs and they go down. Touching pegs, as said before, is the last indicator that you're running out of room... not something you should be trying to do. If it happens on a Daytona, you need to ask yourself what you were doing wrong to have the bike that far over on the Street.

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I dragged pegs about 20 times on a short ride on Monday.

Only difference, is I was taking curves about 35 mph. Oh and the pegs were actually floorboards, and I was on a HD Fatboy with no effing ground clearance.

The obvious solution is not to ride obsolete equipment ever again :)

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Maybe I need some formal instruction then. I know dick about body position except that on a tight turn I crouch up onto the tank and counter-lean to keep the bike in a smooth arc. If anyone is willing I would be an apt pupil for some lessons in high speed turns.

are you pushing the bike down and your body staying vertical, or are you pushing the bike up and your body going horizontal (persay...)?

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Maybe I need some formal instruction then. I know dick about body position except that on a tight turn I crouch up onto the tank and counter-lean to keep the bike in a smooth arc. If anyone is willing I would be an apt pupil for some lessons in high speed turns.

actually you want to keep your butt further back. at least a fist distance between your junk and the tank. I get too far up on the tank, and it causes me to ride REALLY crossed up. My butt hangs way off, but my upper body is still over the tank.

easier to demonstrate than describe, but the bottom line is that moving too far forward causes you to rotate your body around the tank, rather than transitioning along side it.

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I guess counter-lean was a poor choice of words. I keep my upper body vertical and lean with my hips to push the bike down....hard to explain something I just do naturally. I guess what I've been doing had worked so far, I've never laid a bike down from turning too low. I'll try keeping my ass back in the saddle a bit more today. Can someone help me out with some technical terms here like trail braking and trail acceleration? Never been on the track and no formal education in riding.

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trail braking is braking after initiating turn-in.

It's good to know the basic principles behind it when starting out on track, but you will have A LOT of other things to worry about; namely:

- your braking, turn-in, apex, and exit points.

- which way the track turns next.

- dropping into the appropriate gear under braking without having hte ass-end of the bike dance around.

- doing your movement (body position changes) under acceleration, rather than under braking.

You don't want to foster bad habits early on, but I believe it's safer to get your braking and down-shifting in BEFORE turn-in when you're first starting out. Then add trail-braking later.

I've never heard the term "trail acceleration."

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I keep my upper body vertical and lean with my hips to push the bike down....

you want the bike to remain as vertical as possible, and lean over only as much as necessary; thus why people are worried you're scraping pegs.

YOU need to transition so the bike can stay more upright.

get your butt crack on the edge of the seat. One cheek on, one cheek off. Then drop your head, and try to straighten your outside arm.

It's a lot more complicated than that, but if you do those 3 things, you'll be 80% of the way there. Craig (Blue03636) has a good example in his avatar pic. Knee dragging and high speeds are not required for good form, but good form is required for high speeds and knee dragging.

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I keep my upper body vertical and lean with my hips to push the bike down....

If I am reading this right, it sounds like you are 'crossed up.'

If you draw a line through the center of the bike, your head, shoulders, & hips should all be leaning inside of that line while cornering. It sounds like you are leaning outside of that line, which is a mistake that many poeple make.

It should look something like this:


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So it looks like I actually scraped my boot not the peg cuz I found a big ass scuff/scrape on the toe of my right boot, I thought it was the peg but the peg doesn't have any scrapes on it lol.


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Maybe I need some formal instruction then. I know dick about body position except that on a tight turn I crouch up onto the tank and counter-lean to keep the bike in a smooth arc. If anyone is willing I would be an apt pupil for some lessons in high speed turns.
So it looks like I actually scraped my boot not the peg cuz I found a big ass scuff/scrape on the toe of my right boot, I thought it was the peg but the peg doesn't have any scrapes on it lol.
So the idea is that the rider leans further than the bike? Allowing the weight to shift into the turn, but allowing the bike to stay more upright?

Dudes - plz buy this book as a start....


Edited by mello dude
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since you're all talking about form, maybe you could critique mine.. I think my head was a little too crossed up but I feel like I'm getting my ass off the seat like I should.


edit: I'll fix it later, I thought you could embed fb vids and share without logging in but guess not..

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