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Sheriff Arpaio ..... American hero!


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Arpaio is a real America douchebag.



Furthermore - how can you applaud these raids when the businesses will now have to hire people that won't work for below minimum wage? That will be detrimental to their business and profit, and I know how pro-business your stance is.

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There's a much better way to fight illegal immigration...confiscate the restaurants and sell them and use that money to fight the next crime.When the criminals that hire/exploit these people start losing their assets the problem will go away almost overnight.

But we can't punish the duchbags that hire/exploit them can we Rod?Afterall,they're probably good ol' non-union republican businessmen.

Edited by drc32-0
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There's a much better way to fight illegal immigration...confiscate the restaurants and sell them and use that money to fight the next crime.When the criminals that hire/exploit these people start losing their assets the problem will go away almost overnight.

But we can't punish the duchbags that hire/exploit them can we Rod?Afterall,they're probably good ol' non-union republican businessmen.

I dont have a problem with a punishment system for someone who knowingly hires illegals....... put it to them.....

But when an illegal is caught stealing identities in order gain employment, they need some serious whoop ass turned loose on them, on the way to the furthest most point from the USA in their country origin.

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Arpaio is a real America douchebag

Furthermore - how can you applaud these raids when the businesses will now have to hire people that won't work for below minimum wage? That will be detrimental to their business and profit, and I know how pro-business your stance is.

So you support the hiring of illegals, just because it's cheaper? I'm a business owner, but I'm all for going after the employers who hire them too. Not sure why his numbers are so bad, but I'm all for any measure that actually goes after illegals and doesn't promote them like our wonderful president

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  • 2 weeks later...

Look, Illegal is illegal. it should and must be dealt with.

Why the borders are not secured is a joke. And no matter what specious argument you spin to say how much we benefit, we dont we lose, and Lose big.

Seal the border, then figure out what to do with the rest. There should be NO path to citizenship EVER, and they cannot claim any benefits.

And stop demanding Bi Lingual education, which is expensive and does not work.

Also, instead of saying we demand this and that why not come to the American people and say "PLease, we want to become Amercans."

Why do we have airport immigration and not border security, it makes no sense

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And of course all you out there who have no arguement and want to call everyone Racist, or Haters.

Try putting a reasonable solution to everyone and you might get support. Name calling means NO Argument avaliable and name calling is all you got

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