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University of Phoenix, Suggestions and opinions.


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Hell Guys and Gals.

Im looking to finish up my Bachelors degree. I'm currently employed with a decent job, and just looking for something to help me internally mostly. However if it lands me in a higher paying job elsewhere, then so be it.

Im a full time worker, with children. So with my schedule, my options are limited to CSCC, ODU's lead program, And UOP. I chose UOP over Ohio Dominican because of the enrollment process. I believe both schools degrees pretty much gets laughed at the same way. and ODU requires way to much work just to get into the school.

With that being said, What is everyones opinion on this school. What are the chances of me getting into a graduates program elsewhere with a UOP degree? And would YOU personally do it.

My orientation will be on wednsday (tomorrow) and classes will start the 28th if i go through with it.

My job has tuition reimbursement (with ANY passing grade), and im eligible for pell grants as well.

Im looking for any opinion or suggestions. Good or Bad, thanks.

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I'm finishing out my bachelor's with Franklin. I have heard that Phoenix credits don't transfer very well, which is one of the reasons I chose Franklin online because I am planning on getting my MHA from OU. I didn't have time for "traditional" college right now with work and family responsibilities so I pretty much had to go with an all online college. Accreditation is everything with schools when you plan to go for graduate level programs so whatever you do make sure it is accredited.

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I'm in this same boat as well and interested in whatever advise you guys have to give. I also work full time, and while its always been at the top of my list of things to finish, something has always got in the way. Well, now I'm pushing 30, okay job (as in it pays the bills for the most part), and a mortgage but still have not finished my college degree. My office is located in the same building as the Tuttle ODU branch so I've been considering the ODU program as well, but open to the online programs if it gets me a degree faster.

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Work would not pay for anything that wasn't accredited and Phoenix is, they took most of my OSU credits which got me through to being a senior. The only thing I had to do over were my degree core classes. Teacher's were all people who were/are in the field and it was all hands on and very practical, some of the stuff I knew and breezed through other classes were challenging. I can't complain about it since got kudos from the boss and a bit of a bump in pay scale. Mine was in computer science.

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Work would not pay for anything that wasn't accredited and Phoenix is, they took most of my OSU credits which got me through to being a senior. The only thing I had to do over were my degree core classes. Teacher's were all people who were/are in the field and it was all hands on and very practical, some of the stuff I knew and breezed through other classes were challenging. I can't complain about it since got kudos from the boss and a bit of a bump in pay scale. Mine was in computer science.

Did you work reimburse you for it? and was there any problems with financial aid and working with any of the advisors? The most complaints i've read about online are with Financial Aid mess ups, which wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

Anyone else attend this school and have an imput how they operate in person.

Im not saying ODU or Phoenix is worthless. or else i wouldn't debate going to either. I was interested in the ODU lead program. But the lady i was working with no longer works there, and the new person was not pleasant at all, They somehow managed to not have my record of enrolling, but still have my contact info to harass me about enrolling. Then want me to pay the application fee and run around town to get my transcripts a second time.

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Did you work reimburse you for it? and was there any problems with financial aid and working with any of the advisors? The most complaints i've read about online are with Financial Aid mess ups, which wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

I had to cut them a check and work paid me after I got my grades need C+ for work to pay. I didn't have any issues. I didn't apply for financial aid so I can't comment on that.

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Going to a brick and motor school is better, but it's up to you to decide the ROI.

I would, if I could. My schedule just doesn't work out for it. Having a full time job, and 3 kids only leave me open to these options.

Since my youngest is now in school also, its the best time to finish up. Figured by the time they hit middle school, i'll be able to apply for grad school.

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A while back I looked at B&M schools with distance MBA programs. There were quite a few, and many of them were reputable schools that no one would question. You may want to investigate if there's similar programs for an undergrad degree.

(private for profit) Online schools are great for people with jobs and families, that's the big unmet need they satisfy. But a lot of them run with a business model of enrolling people who have little to no chance at success, and charging them private school tuition rates that they fund with Federal grants and student loans. I'm not implying this is UOP, but the for-profit online universities are still very new and haven't received a final verdict yet, and a few bad apples could spoil the bunch.

If you're career is already kickstarted and you need to check the "B.S." checkbox - well, then, do what you need to do to check the box.

All of this is IMHO, of course.

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