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AMA @ NJMP - best Superbike race of the year!! (SPOILERS)


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I finally watched the races from New Jersey last night, and holy shit!!!

I have been an Aquino fan for years now for no particular reason, but Herrin's bitchiness over the last year has made it even easier to root for Tommy.

Freakin' great to see him put the bike on pole, and then take the win. Solid showing in race 2 as well.

Superbike race 1 was okay, but race 2 was amazing! Blake Young really went for it, and the championship was totally up in the air down to teh last lap.

I can't believe Bostrom ran off track. I was really hoping he'd have a strong finish, even though I preferred Hayes win the championship.

With Eslick and Herrin in Superbike next year, things could get really interesting. JD Beach might have summed it up best though, "Danny - they don't bring enough tires for you to ride a superbike!"

Can't wait to see it.

Also really looking forward to seeing if Herrin will grow up. Hayes is all class all the time. No excuses, and graceful in defeat. If even the smallest amount of that rubs off on Herrin, that kid will be in great shape.

And how about Steve Rapp running up front on the ZX-10??!!!!??? Next year could be amazing if someone other than Hayes can challenge the Suzukis. It was really nice to see the Jordan bikes running well though. MJ has put serious blood, sweat, tears, and money into the AMA. To see his bikes doing well was awesome.

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There was some damn good racing going on. I know it's a little off topic but did you watch the WSBK races? Holy shit there was so much rain and water sitting on the track. Guys were hydroplaning constantly. There was some amazing saves and a few guys that went down pretty hard before the called the race early.

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WSBK is on my DVR. Probably deserves its own thread :)

I haven't followed WSBK nearly as much this year. Probably because I can't stand Jonathan Green (although I really like Steve Martin), and there are no Americans racing.

I record them, but I only watch them when I'm out of Moto GP and AMA stuff to watch. Now that I know it's interesting, I'll check it out though.

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...but Herrin's bitchiness over the last year...

There is just something funny about Eslick pushing Herrin off his line.

I didn't see any of that at NJ, but over the last couple years it's happened quite a few times, usually on the last lap or 2. Eslick is like a bulldozer and Herrin can't do a thing about it :D

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well, if i'm being fair, Herrin has had a few legitimate reasons to be pissed this year.

He's had at least 2 mechanical failures that I can think of off hand, and I believe there was a third I'm forgetting.

His bike let him down, and I'd be pissed too. When the bike was working well for him, he was in the top 5 pretty consistently.

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well, if i'm being fair, Herrin has had a few legitimate reasons to be pissed this year.

He's had at least 2 mechanical failures that I can think of off hand, and I believe there was a third I'm forgetting.

His bike let him down, and I'd be pissed too. When the bike was working well for him, he was in the top 5 pretty consistently.

If it wasn't for those DNF's he would of had a very good chance of winning the title. Kinda sucks he wasn't able to win it before moving on to SBK.

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If it wasn't for those DNF's he would of had a very good chance of winning the title. Kinda sucks he wasn't able to win it before moving on to SBK.

I agree that Herrin should have been in the hunt this year, but no one's making him to go Superbike. I am actually kind of surprised he is willing to walk away without a championship, but you go where the sponsors will support you.

And being mentored by Josh Hayes is a HUGE opportunity for Herrin. I hope the kid appreciates it and soaks it all in.

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I agree that Herrin should have been in the hunt this year, but no one's making him to go Superbike. I am actually kind of surprised he is willing to walk away without a championship, but you go where the sponsors will support you.

And being mentored by Josh Hayes is a HUGE opportunity for Herrin. I hope the kid appreciates it and soaks it all in.

with seats being as scarce as (insert witty comment here) I'd jump at the opportunity too. his goal isn't winning the dsbk championship, sure it may be an "achievement" along the way, but it's not THE goal and gotta progress when the door opens.

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I understand that a DSB championship isn't the ultimate goal, but it pays quite a bit.

Especially with Cardinez gone, and Eslick moving up, I think the championship would have been Herrin's to lose next year.

And whether it's the ultimate goal or not, a DSB championship pays a lot more than a mediocre season in Superbike. Perhaps the sponsors are willing to cover the difference, or perhaps Herrin really is thinking long-term with this move. Neither would shock me; I just thought he'd want to truly conquer DSB before taking on a superbike.

A lot depends on whether he's really a racer, or just wants to make racing a career. You can live very comfortably winning AMA championships. Ask Mat Mladin. There's a reason he never felt the need to go into WSBK or shoot for Moto GP.

Spies, on the other hand, reportedly took a PAY CUT to race WSBK. He really wanted to make it to Moto GP, and knew that was the best way to be taken seriously.

I respect both choices.

Edited by redkow97
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I was really surprised that there were no team tactics by Suzuki. It almost seemed that there were ANTI-team tactics by Hayden. I know you're technically not supposed to do it, but it happens in every other form of racing. Suzuki spent alot of money chasing that title, and all Hayden had to do was stay up between Blake and Josh to bring it home to the team. Wonder if he's sore that their plans for next year may potentially include Blake and not him.

Not disappointed, happy to see Josh win instead actually, just surprised...

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I think Herrin's title contention started failing earlier this season when he was suspended for a race.......major points deduction right there. AND he fuggered up at MO too when he kept trying for the pass at the carosel and last turn before the finish......think he went from 2nd to 4th? He'd been running it wide on that exit all weekend and finally pulled the trigger on the last lap.......bike wobbled bad, and he lost the raceline........fail. Other than these issues and a couple mechanicals, he may have had the championship in the bag and he's usually always a top 5 rider.

I'm glad Hayes got the SBK title - he earned it.

Herrin in SBK next season will be interesting........surely he'll try to prove he belongs there early on, but I foresee him falling back in the pack a bit while getting accustomed to the new power/weight/handling of the bigger Yammie.........another reason to be glued to Speed Channel next year!!

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