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double-dip recession underway


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Need to go back to fewer taxes and regulations so companies can expand without all the bull. Then we can rebuild and have quality products once again. Another idea is to let people stay in there homes this would at least keep some of the homes form becoming a moldy health hazard that has to be torn down. If not then tear them down turn the soil and plant some corn and make good use of the land once again.

Zero taxes and zero regulations will not win against $3000 a year labor.

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Total foreign aid is a little over 1% of the federal budget, so trying to dig out of our national debt by cutting off funds to other countries is kinda like trying to make your bike faster by putting on lighter valve stem caps.

Now it's true that bringing home the troops from our endless wars would make a dent. In fact, more than a fourth of that "aid" goes to Iraq and Afghanistan. On top of the cost of keeping our military over there.

But really, as DAC said, we're going to have trouble until we work off the hangover from our long-term national debt binge. And that's going to take time in the best case scenario, pain in the more likely scenario, and major upheaval in the worst case scenario.

The government and the Fed have already fired their bullets and proved they can't solve the problems. No magic wand.

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