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Wall St occupied by protestors


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Think there isn't censorship in this country? This Wall St protest has been going on for 8 days. With no coverage in the USA, until 80 protesters were arrested today. The AP sent the news out, and so far I only see the Washington Post printing it.

It's an information war, similar to how they're censoring Ron Paul. It's blatant controlled mainstream media.


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A dozen or so Unions have joined across the country.

There will probably be more groups joining.

Looks like the bus driver lawsuit to prevent participation failed.

Activity should taper off as it gets colder.

If short demonstrations continue through the Winter,

I'd suspect something major starting up early next year.

Sort of amazing considering the average attention span.

Must be some really pissed off people out there.

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I have to say this is spreading more than I thought it would. Some of the ideals I agree with. Some, not so much. For instance, taxing the rich because they're rich? No. A fair, equal tax code with no loopholes? Yes. Against bailing out businesses with taxpayer funds? Yes. Etc...

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Attention brings thought. Decent articles outside mainstream media are starting to appear. People want to know what exactly is going on... not that anyone in particular actually knows the answer to that yet.

Like this web article picked up from the Google+ streams.

Rushkoff vs. the 1%

In fact, we are witnessing America’s first true Internet-era movement, which — unlike civil rights protests, labor marches, or even the Obama campaign — does not take its cue from a charismatic leader, express itself in bumper-sticker-length goals and understand itself as having a particular endpoint.


edit: oh, and some vets have showed up at Wall Street. Some are young and current or just out of service, but it appears the majority of them might be World War II vets.



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Our turn; Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Youngstown, Dayton, Toledo, Akron.








There is no Occupy Coshocton yet:D

There is also a FaceBook for Occupy OSU, Athens, Mansfield, and Marion. But are small and almost no info.

I also see that there are fake "Occupy" websites appearing for various reasons... let the fun begin.

http://occupywallst.org/ claims a thousand US cities by the end of the month and several foreign countries.

http://nycga.cc/ Official website of the Occupy Wall Street - New York - General Assembly

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added akron
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So, Columbus is 8am on Monday. Columbus Day, and many people are off work.

Anyone want to ride a batch of bikes through it and give our demands?

Not really serious, I don't have any demands...

Btw, I also have no idea where any of this occupy stuff is going.

It may not be what we think, and we may not like it at all.

And it could change to something else at any time. Who knows.

I'm beginning to think it might turn out to be not so good.

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ok, here's the motorcycle demands. We're the 1% on the roads. We want everyone else on the roads to bend to our will. No specifics, no plan, just give us all the roads and free fuel and get out of our way. Yeah, that will work...

oh, and a new motorcycle or two, and a nice garage, and free license plates and insurance, and extra special free medical for riders. And we don't really want to work, so make this our jobs and send us a paycheck.

Yes, this is sarcasm, I say that because sometimes people think I'm serious.

edit: There are reasonable demands for motorcycles. Like having motorcycle parking, access to parking garages, reduction in taxes of motorcycles based on less use and less impact on roadways. Incentives to own and ride motorcycles to lessen traffic congestion. Education of motorists, to lessen car vs motorcycle accidents. Lots of stuff.

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Question is when will 'big brother' decide its time to stop the demonstrations.....ala another Kent State?

The fined all of the protesters in Cincy this morning for not leaving a public park.


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The Right-Wing Version of ‘We Are the 99 Percent’: Heartbreaking


because the subprime mortgage crisis and housing market crash really is Wall Street's fault
Woah woah woah. It is partially Wall Street's fault, but it's mainly President Clinton's fault. He made the subprime loans and alternative financing legal.
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Woah woah woah. It is partially Wall Street's fault, but it's mainly President Clinton's fault. He made the subprime loans and alternative financing legal.

:rolleyes: Abortion is legal too. Yet you didn't take that route. No one FORCED that money to be lent subprime, maybe incentivized it, but not FORCED.

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