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Friends who are afraid of firearms?


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The CCW thread got me thinking on this.

How do you folks handle friends and family members who are afraid of firearms?


my buddy Dave has a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old. We invited them over, and he was not aware that I own a rifle. It came up in conversation when my wife said I had been out shooting while she was at a friend's baby shower.

Anyway, his wife (to her credit) calmly asked if I kept the gun in the house. I could tell she was thinking, "OH GOD! MY BABIES ARE GOING TO FIND THIS GUN AND KILL THEMSELVES!!!"

to my credit, I had thought about this possibility in advance of allowing small children in my house, and had the bolt locked open on my rifle, and all ammo and magazines secured in our strong box.

She was satisfied with that answer, but I am certain there will be times that I am not so prepared (maybe I just don't know people are bringing their kids along?)

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I invite them to go shooting. Including my wife, I've taken five friends from anti to pro-gun. Four have gotten their CHL. One happens to be a very liberal social worker and has since been shooting twice with me. He's not ready for a CHL, but his mind has been changed about guns. When I speak clearly about having guns and keeping them locked, yet accessible, it generally puts them at ease. Do you want your kid playing at my house where I tell you I have guns and they're all locked up? Or at the house where dad doesn't want mom or junior to know about the secret gun in his sock drawer? How many of you found the sock-drawer guns when you were kids? I know I did.

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I just anticipate some people being so ignorant that they assume gun = instant death from looking at it.

We had people over a couple of weekends ago (my sister threw her boyfriend a party) who I believe would have left if they knew there was a rifle in the house.

I suppose you can't reason with people who want to have an irrational fear, but it shocks me how smart some of these people are in other situations, but they're so afraid of guns for no valid reason...

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My girlfriends parents are not afraid but want them to be locked up that's y all my cases have locks on them and the soft bags that can have a lock have gun locks on the gun inside and ammo is kept in a box way up high where the niece and nephew can't reach. Also I have the keys and my girlfriend has the matching keys to all the locks. Saving up for a gun safe :D

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I leave the subject alone, unless someone asks me a question or for advice. I generally have an idea where people stand, and unless you already know I shoot/carry there is no reason for you to know.

My Wife and I come from two very different worlds and upbringings...She does not like guns, but has come to accept their validity as a tool. Eventually she approached me to teach her how to handle a firearms, and is a very impressive reaction shooter. She still does not like them, but admits she feels safer when I am carrying.

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All depends on the situation at hand. Sometimes I will keep it from ever coming up and if it does, change the convo. Then after they've been hanging out with me for a while, tactfully let them know I am carrying and "see, I never tried to kill you." A lot of times that will help sway them. Or take them shooting and show them how it isn't the gun that kills someone, it is the person and intent. Most people fear what the do not understand so if you can make them understand, they may not want to carry but at least they aren't as afraid.

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Never had anyone of my friends or family say anything about my guns. My kids know how to shoot and they respect guns they also know where the loaded guns are if someone should ever break in and we are not home and they have been instructed to point and squeeze the trigger until it stops firing.

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It was recently brought up with some of my wife's friends from high school that she has her concealed handgun license and the girl asked her if she really ever carries a gun. My wife responded I never need to when im with Brian cuz he never leaves home with out his. The girl was kinda taken back and said do you have one one you now? And I said yes and I have had one on me everytome you have seen me. Ans you never knew it. I went on to explain why and by the end of it she was fine with it.

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i learned to stop trying to convince people a while back. I just keep my mouth shut' date=' most days, when the topic is broached. I don't have time/desire/will to try to convince someone that their life is worth protecting. I also don't really care if someone shoots, robs, rapes them. A friend? Sure. Someone's sister/aunt/mom/brother/uncle, etc. that thinks I am a crazy hill jack? Nope.[/quote']

But you are a crazy hill jack

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