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this should be illegal


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Who in the fuck thought this would be a good idea?

The dumb cunt in the silver jetta that I almost ran over this morning, thats who.

50 MPH in the left lane (65 MPH Zone), no one next to her in the right lane, plucking her fucking eyebrows.

Anyone know how I can safely disconnect the airbags in my Maxima so I can just start punting these dimbulbs off the road?

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The dumb cunt in the silver jetta that I almost ran over this morning, thats who.

50 MPH in the left lane (65 MPH Zone), no one next to her in the right lane, plucking her fucking eyebrows.

Anyone know how I can safely disconnect the airbags in my Maxima so I can just start punting these dimbulbs off the road?

Just buy an old 70s Chevy Impala for a couple hundred bucks. Get all the liability insurance you can get.

And begin.... With that car you won't have to repair it as long as you don't play with big trucks.

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That thing would have saved me a lot of time when I was in school. Too bad I get sick when I read in the car.

This is a good review of the product:

Excellent product, February 13, 2008

I bought this item 6 months ago and its great. I can read while driving and best of all, I can move it to a new car everytime i crash my current one. So far, I've gone through 5 cars in 6 months, and this thing attaches to every steering wheel. My insurance company is threatening to drop me, but without this item, I simply wouldn't be able to fill out my insurance form while driving. Too bad about the small type on their contracts, tho. Now I'll need a 6th car!s

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Well damn it i like this thing cause i am sick of trying to snort coke, smoke a joint, swallow pills, smoke a cig, talk on the phone, and hold the book im reading while driving, so at least now i wont have to hold the book ne more.

thank God for smart people like the one that invented this thing

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My "Easy Reader" broke during a simple rear end collision. I didn't hit the car in front of me that hard either. The product was obviously not designed to withstand any major accidents or even allow for the airbag to deploy while attached to the steering wheel.

I cannot recommend this product to any serious car-reader.

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