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One luck SOB


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Wow, looks completely like his fault yet he yells at the car.

I thought that at first, but about a minute later you see tons of cars start moving right to left. That makes me believe the car ran a red light.

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From the Utube page

He stands up, swears and shouts "You have red! You have red!". He proceeds to check the light the car was coming from,confirming: "You have red, my god! I have green". Woman talks (instead of admitting her mistake and going to check if he is alright as she should), cars THEN start moving horizontally, meaning this is when her light switched to green. He reaches her and tells her "Let me tell you something, my light was green, yours was red and you pass with red!".
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She must have dropped her Iphone somewhere within the vast cavern of that huge passenger floorboard and was reaching for it when her flip-flop fortified foot slid from the brake pedal causing the rider's absolute shit day to begin forthwith.....and all the while, she's scoring multiple points for hitting a moving target! 2 lucky folk right there.

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