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Man Charged with Pulling Gun in Bar


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guns are bad and people who carry them are just hillbillys

The bait is set and the trap planned, all we need now is someone to bite. :rolleyes:

99.9% of people who carry a gun are good people who either want to kill a bad guy robing a bank or serious gun enthusiasts who are prepared to defend our great nation from any foreign paper target dumb enough to invade their home.

Now that's some stinky bait there........ :lol:

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This pretty much sums it up for me: Buckey Firearms Org - O'Reilly Case

"In this case, it is also important to note that the behavior allegedly exhibited by O'Reilly was illegal under our previous laws, and is still unlawful under our present laws. Ohio's new law didn't cause, help or allow this alleged criminal to do anything he couldn't have done before the law was modified. And since law enforcement officials say O'Reilly was apparently an unlawful user of a controlled substance, he may not have even been able to have possession of the gun in the first place. Ultimately, this incident just goes to show that no gun control law can prevent someone from gaining possession of or using a firearm unlawfully."

Just tried to share this on FB and it was blocked. Nobamas at it again?;)

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As soon as he decided to carry illegal drugs around with him he was no longer a legal gun owner. He had his gun in his car while he was drinking in the bar so as soon as he would have gotten in his car he would have technically been carrying while intoxicated unless he unloaded the gun and put it in the trunk, in which case he would be using firearms while intoxicated which is also illegal. Do like the old johnny cash song, don't bring your guns to town.

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