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I would rather fart glitter than the smell of burnt KY jelly and some dudes month old cum

It's burnt rubber and ky jelly. If you are going to judge me at least make sure you have your facts correct. I always practice safe sex because ginger babies come from unprotected butt sex that's why the have no souls.

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Smuck lives.

Nope, I died. Tragic accident while choking my chicken

Q. What do you do if your girlfriend starts smoking?

A. Use more lube

My thighs could start a fire

It's burnt rubber and ky jelly. If you are going to judge me at least make sure you have your facts correct. I always practice safe sex because ginger babies come from unprotected butt sex that's why the have no souls.

I see that you know who I am but I have not the slightest clue who you are. Its awesome being famous.... or infamous whichever works for me.


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Nope, I died. Tragic accident while choking my chicken

My thighs could start a fire

I see that you know who I am but I have not the slightest clue who you are. Its awesome being famous.... or infamous whichever works for me.


she thinks she is one of the cool kids. ;)

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