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Voter privacy


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I thought that voting machines were suppowed to be set up to provide privacy so only you can see what selection you make. This is supposed to prevend undue influence from people in the room if they can see what you are selecting.

Berlin Township (Delaware County) has their machines turned all facing the middle of the room so as I stood there people in line could see what I was choosing. I told the poll workers that the machines were facing the wrong way and that they should be facing outwards to provide privacy - they told me I was wrong.

I contacted the BOE and asked them - they agreed with me and are going to have Berlin Township turn their machines around. :nono: (Cheshire Road loaction)

Anyone else use the same location? Can you tell me if they turned the machines around by the time you voted?

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:nono: Good on you to have that corrected. WTF is wrong with people? When did we become a society of half-wits?

I agree that the mistake should be corrected, but ask me how much I care if people see how I vote...

If I were ashamed of voting for or against a given issue or candidate, it would make me seriously rethink whether or not I really want to vote that way.

I'm not one to intentionally piss people off by wearing a "yes on 2" t-shirt to the polls or anything, but I also wouldn't be embarrassed or intimidated if someone saw me filling in the top bubble.

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p.s. - at least you had a LINE of people waiting to vote. I got to the polls at a time I consider "late" for the before work crowd. About 8:05.

I was ballot number 47.

then on the radio (after I voted,) I hear, "Cuyahoga County elections officials expect higher voter turnout than normal today; Issue 2 has prompted many people to get out and vote. Total turnout is expected to be 25-30%"

and that's higher than normal!? we live in a truly apathetic country.

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I agree that the mistake should be corrected, but ask me how much I care if people see how I vote...

If I were ashamed of voting for or against a given issue or candidate, it would make me seriously rethink whether or not I really want to vote that way.

I'm not one to intentionally piss people off by wearing a "yes on 2" t-shirt to the polls or anything, but I also wouldn't be embarrassed or intimidated if someone saw me filling in the top bubble.

It's to prevent abuses like you hear about in some countries. You only dare vote for the incumbent president or the pollworker who is watching you wote will make a phone call and have you beaten or shot.

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