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Is money's deep role in politics the root of our woes?


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Absolutely. I was surprised that 60 Minutes did their story on Sunday night. When the players make the rules...

What really gets me is how they deliberately exempt (or include only themselves) so that the "rules" benefit them exclusively.

Aaaaarghhhh. Bastards.

Term limits. Low (or no) pay. Tons of restrictions.

Lying, thieving, arrogant bastards.

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Low (or no) pay. Tons of restrictions.

Lying, thieving, arrogant bastards.

I'd support pay and accommodations more in line with a serviceman, since they're supposed to be public servants. Let's call our state reps and get something on the ballot. Start small.

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I'd support pay and accommodations more in line with a serviceman, since they're supposed to be public servants. Let's call our state reps and get something on the ballot. Start small.

This would be the best solution to the issue in question, but then, why would they vote to diminish their "cut"? And on top of that, if they were to reduce their pay, wouldn't it actually cause more corruption in the form of bribes and gifts?

I do not agree with the state of our political climate, and hate the fact we(the people) have lost control of our governing body.

But reality being what it is, the haves will, the rest of us won't.

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the only logical solution is decentralize our federal government. STATE RIGHTS!!!! It is the only way to hold people accountable in government because it establishes a more defined relationship with politicians and allows the general populace to actually have a say. If you know your politician personally he/she is more likely to vote the way his constituents want. Another argument for State Rights is: Why do people in Ohio have any say what people in California do? How can people in the south tell people in New England what to do? There are different regions in our country and people have different views and ideologies. The national government was formed as a way to unite the states for a national DEFENSE... not to put the public 15 trillion in debt and go on the offensive against every oil rich country. Furthermore and so this post isn't a thread jack money has everything to do with our woes and political problems. If you pay politicians less money it creates more problems... Why would any person who is a successful business person or attorney take a pay cut to work for the government? He/She is definitely getting kickbacks, bribes, and other monetary gains or they would NOT do it. I'm not a liberal, I'm not a conservative, I am me. My views do not coincide with the two party system. I am conservative when it comes to the economy and taxes but I could give a hoot about social issues...its not the governments role to tell you what to do. Separation of church and state. FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

Edited by downwithdisease
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No, I think it is the ability to put multiple things in one bill or attach riders to a bill. Hardly no amount of pork could be passed if it was voted on only by its own merit. Progressives, democrat and republican, have for years attached spending items to popular bills just to get them passed and paid for by the tax payer. This of course buys them votes but when so many do this, pretty soon we are spending twice what we take in thru taxes, like we are now. Congressmen complain that if they looked at each issue independently that they would never get anything done. Well considering that most of what they deal with would be considered pork by anyones standards that did not belong to the special interest group that benefits, I think removing the ability to link separate issues or attach riders should be made illegal. Then it wouldn't matter how much money someone gave a politician, he wouldn't be able to buy off others by attaching pork specifically designed to buy those passing votes.

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