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Europe Bans X-ray Body Scanners


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They only banned it over there to keep costs down for their national healthcare system ;)

So, here they keep them because cancer is expensive to treat, and there's lots of money to be made. That kinda makes sense in a very tinfoil hat scary kinda way.

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The European Union on Monday prohibited the use of X-ray body scanners [1] in European airports, parting ways with the U.S. Transportation Security Administration, which has deployed hundreds of the scanners as a way to screen millions of airline passengers for explosives hidden under clothing.

I wanna translate part of that..... tsa, which has deployed hundred of scanners as a way to scan old women, children, and basically everyone that isn't of Muslim decent or has a middle eastern background for bombs under their clothing .

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I wanna translate part of that..... tsa, which has deployed hundred of scanners as a way to scan old women, children, and basically everyone that isn't of Muslim decent or has a middle eastern background for bombs under their clothing .

Because racial profiling is bad, m'kay.

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So is pretending that the tsa actually doing their job so everyone feels a false sense of security when looking Muhammad sitting across the aisle from you on the plane. But while you were getting fondle job from a fat bearded tsa lady you got to see Muhammad in his man dress get express lane'd without having to do as little as removing his funny sandals.

Edited by kawi kid
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Yup. All those nervous handicapped folks and elderly women that have been pulled aside recently for additions screening could've been strapped, yo.

ya know, a few questions between someone and a specialist goes a long way.if they are extremely nervous, jittery eyes, inconsistent in the answers to the questions, then they check you out a little more. ask you some more questions and see how you react. it doesnt matter if you're young or old or white or purple. if you are acting suspiciously, thats all it takes.

IMO racial profiling is pretty much useless. i mean the shoe bomber and the underwear guy weren't arab... would they have been stopped?

how would it really work in day to day practice? if you arent white you get stopped and searched double? is it such a stretch to think that there may be some people of every race who are sympathetic to a terrorist cause?

i definitely agree that its silly to be pulling grandma out of line randomly, as the chances of her being a terrorist are about the same as me winning the powerball... the only thing i can really come up with is maybe they think that someone could slip something to grandma unwittingly, because they think she will just breeze through? idk... maybe im giving tsa too much credit. :)

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An old guy i know went on a rant once about the TSA. He uses an insulin pump, and went through the body scanner, and was not questioned. He demanded to speak to a supervisor. When the supervisor came, he pulled up his shirt and said "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS?"

He didn't know what it was. He passed through the scanner with an electronic box with wires and hoses taped to his body no questions asked. The supervisor told him that he was responsible to notify the agents he wears an insulin pump.

What a crock of shit. I really don't care, If TSA wants to look at my dong, they can. If it gives Betty housewife a false sense of security, fine. I'll look at it for what it is, a fucking joke. There is much more important things that should upset people more, (closing of public lands to name one)

I should mention that i haven't flown since they implemented these, Why fly when you can ride there instead? If i do though, I'll make sure to achieve a massive erection first, haha.

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ya know, a few questions between someone and a specialist goes a long way.if they are extremely nervous, jittery eyes, inconsistent in the answers to the questions, then they check you out a little more. ask you some more questions and see how you react. it doesnt matter if you're young or old or white or purple. if you are acting suspiciously, thats all it takes.

IMO racial profiling is pretty much useless. i mean the shoe bomber and the underwear guy weren't arab... would they have been stopped?

how would it really work in day to day practice? if you arent white you get stopped and searched double? is it such a stretch to think that there may be some people of every race who are sympathetic to a terrorist cause?

i definitely agree that its silly to be pulling grandma out of line randomly, as the chances of her being a terrorist are about the same as me winning the powerball... the only thing i can really come up with is maybe they think that someone could slip something to grandma unwittingly, because they think she will just breeze through? idk... maybe im giving tsa too much credit. :)

Pretty sure racial profiling would've stopped Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and Richard Colvin Reid (pic below is from the day he tried to board flight AA flight 63).


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reid is not arabic, he is english and jamaican...

here's umar:


he isnt arab either...

so what do you do? just stop everyone who isnt white?

whats to stop the terrorists from just finding a sympathetic white guy then?

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reid is not arabic, he is english and jamaican...

here's umar:


he isnt arab either...

so what do you do? just stop everyone who isnt white?

whats to stop the terrorists from just finding a sympathetic white guy then?

Sure, Richard Colvin Reid is English.....


And he looks nothing like a terrorist...

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is Nigerian if I remember correctly. Pretty sure he still would've been racially profiled... especially having a one way ticket and no luggage.

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i cant really fathom how it would work on a day to day basis... whats the criteria for stopping someone? how do we prevent them from finding a sympathetic white guy?

not to mention that "looks like a terrorist" is quite subjective...

does this look like a terrorist?


how about this guy?


i understand the theory behind racial profiling, but i think once you start really thinking about how it would be put into practice, the flaws become glaringly apparent.

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On the way home from.our honeymoon we missed a connecting flight in Philadelphia. While we waited for our next flight I was able to sit there and watch a very suspicious man with no luggage desert camo pants another weird patterned Camo shirt and an operator hat with an American patch flag on it go to the kiosk thing and ask about 10 times about seating arrangements. To me this Guy was a threat and I had already had my thought process worked out to the point of how I was going to apply my ball point pen to his throat as soon as he made a wrong move. Moral of the story is yes behavior is a good way to watch but lets face it, the people who decided flying planes into buildings aren't the main focus of tsa for the simple reason of politically correct bullshit.

Btw this guy ended up disappearing before he boarded the plane. Apparently he must have made enough of an impression even the tsa couldn't over look him.

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whats to stop terrorists from finding a white guy who is sympathetic to their cause to help them out, and dressing him up in a suit so he looks like everyone else at the airport? what happens when a domestic terrorist decides to try and take out a plane? maybe a member of some radical white supremacist group?

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